Friday, May 05, 2006

But I thought I was home...

So leaving school for the summer after one full year was extremely harder than I ever thought it would be. Having to put trust in myself enough to trust my boyfriend who lives only an hour away but still. Trusting God to just help us get through the summer. Leaving all my friends, not being able to see my Theatre family the week before I left. It makes life hard. I can call that place my home away from home.

Life lesson: Live up your college years. They go faster than you think. And In the words of my Faithful friend JJN: Have Parties.

So I'm home and I have a lot of unpacking to do so I'm going to get on that. I hope everyone out there reading this has a great weekend.

Life Lesson: Trust is important and key to any relationship whether it be a friendship, a significant other, family, or with God or a religious figure. Trust is KEY!

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