Tuesday, December 27, 2005

First Post

So since everyone pretty much calls their first post, that I figured why break tradition. I think I'll pretty much be using this as a spot for my mind. It likes to venture off when I'm not looking and well my thoughts need to go somewhere right?

I'm home from school on break right now. Christmas was good, the New year is coming up and I'm excited. I've seen tons of family, not too many friends though, they all have their own lives. I wish I could see them though, most of them are a year or two younger than me and are what make my life so exciting. If they only knew how important they were to me.

Right now, my life is good. I'm statisfied. I'm having fun. There's just one thing missing, a guy to love me. I'm a complicated girl. I'm not easy to catch. Maybe I'm too picky. But he has to be perfect.

I better get out of here. Spending time with the cousin tonight.

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