Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Tug on my Heart

Tonight was great. I got to spend time with my amazing family who is just out of this world. They are beautiful!!! I love each and every one of them because each and everyone is unique. They are really special to me.

As we were driving home from my grandparent's tonight, I saw a really bad car accident. I lifted those people and their families up to God. It's just horrible how people don't pay attention during Christmas season. It was obviously the result of someone running a red light. People are just always in a hurry. Truth be told I would rather be late and get there safely, then be in a hurry and not get there at all. Especially during Christmas. This is a time for family, friends and most importantly love. Love of family and friends and God's love for us that He gave His ONLY son so that we might be free of sin. Talk about a love story.

Dear World,
Please slow down this Holiday Season. Please stay careful and safe. Be with the ones you love and remember the One who Loves Us more than anything else in this world. Realize that your actions will effect others. You could ruin and entire family's Christmas just as someone could ruin yours. Please take time to consider everyone else in the world. That's just one of the many ways we can achive peace. Love one another and be examples of Christ's love for others. I love you all dearly!

Everyone be safe and spread lots of love this holiday!!!

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