Monday, April 02, 2007

It's a brother and a sister kinda thing

So this weekend was AMAZING! To the cast and crew of Crazy For You...CONGRATS on a SPECTACULAR show!!!! Being backstage was hard for me but a lot of fun. I mean come on I can't argue...I did have a pretty sweet job ;)

I heard only wonderful things.

I spent time with amazing people and met even more amazing people!

Sometimes life is just good like that. Now that things have semi calmed down, I just want to breathe and relax. The weather has been nice but its supposed to snow again this week. That makes me upset. I mean come on people....i want nice weather all the time.

I'm really excited about Co and my possible job ops there. I'm excited that KD is comin with me, but im upset that I won't get to work on SummerStage or be at ArtsFest. However thats life.

Well time to go work on group project stuff.

Until percious moments!

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