Monday, June 11, 2007

I lift my eyes into the hills where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Hey guys!

Thank you for prayers and support. WE love them and need them. A few of the guys got hurt on project and we would love to see them heal in a few weeks so that they can join us on hikes and such.

Tonight I made Baked Ziti and everyone raved about it. So def a good dish to make for a pot luck dinner.

Sunday we went to church and then I took a two hour nap. I was so worn out from our Saturday fun!! Around 2pm my CG girls group met and went HIKING!!! I LOVE HIKING!! It was so much fun and I love those girls so much! We went hiking up the North Trail and man it was hard and though we didn't get to the top I was a trooper...Asthma and thin air don't mix well. I wanted to go to the top but the others were getting hungry and tired and such. I got to lead the way down though! After that we all just chilled. I like chillin too.

Tonight we met with our CGs had a potluck and did our first study. It was really good. Afterwards we played MAFIA!!!! Great game. Then some ppl left to play ultimate and a few of us stayed. We played Celebrity which is an awesome game so learn how to play!!!

Im gettin ready for bed. Work this week is going to be crazy. Hopefully I'll make some money to get me through to my first pay check!!! Living on a budget is hard...oh yeah and I have to send my Rent in soon for August.

Until Warmer weather!!!

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