Tuesday, September 11, 2007

"And when everyone says it can't be done, Ducks Fly Together."

The Quote is from Mighty Ducks D2. Great movie....

So this weekend besdies having an awesome football game....I pretty much watched movies. I Think the total was 7. This is because I had one of the hardest weekends probably ever.

Friday night I hit a super low point. This semester has been crazy for the first two weeks and everyone is busy over their necks. I have not gotten to hang out with my friends that much and I've been hurt by them even more. The fact is, I ask my friends to let me know if anything is going on and they always go out, but no one ever tells me. Well ok, I think to myself something is wrong. Friday night I would say I caught a semi heat/depression bug because i was real real low and it was hard.

Saturday was that amazing football game I was telling you about. I love it when our boys win! I always went and hung out with a friend at the student center and we just chilled. It was sweet.

Sunday: well my hometown boys lost. It was a really sad day. I had a few of the guys over and I cooked for them and we watched the game. Then I did my homework, but I finished it all early so I had nothing to do but watch movies. All my friends had homework and stuff so no one wanted to hang out. It was kinda sad.

Now we are into the school week. I start my internship today. I'm excited, but it might mean that I have to miss out on BIble Study. Thats a rough one for me. However on wednesday I have the Bible study that I am co leading so that is good. I can't wait to hang out with those girls. They are so much fun!

Well I must be off to class now. I hope everything is well whever you are!

Until colder days....

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