Monday, May 18, 2009

"Believe that Dreams come true everyday...because they do."

~One Tree Hill Season 6 Finale Ending.
Of course I bawled my eyes out....because that is the statement that I live by. Dreams Come True Everyday...because they do. Not just in Disney but everywhere....everyday. I'm still working for my dreams to come of them is to get married some day. Which leads to the rest of this post...

I also just finished watching My Fake Fiance..... I should not do this to myself. Tears once more. yay! I get to watch all my friends get married or engaged and I'm still single. It's ok that I'm single because I'd rather be single than be dating the wrong person. But sometimes I just get tired of waiting. I mean who exactly do I go with to these weddings? It would feel weird to go alone. Maybe I should hire a wedding in the movie The Wedding Date. Maybe we will fall in love? haha. Only in the movies.

All of this talk about finding love and everything just puts me in the pits sometimes. I mean when I finally find myself content with the single life, love appears all around me.
My brother and his girlfriend are happily in love. My best friend and my other friend are happily in love.
I thought my parents hated each other. But on sunday on a travel from one grad party to another they were laughing like they were best friends, something I haven't seen them do in a really long time. I just sort of knew that they were still in love. Like that song Lucky.

I guess it would be ok if I wasn't hurt so much this year. If I wasn't sick of being lied to by men who should know better. I'm 22, just graduated from college, and I am the Grace to every Will out there. I just want one guy to be nice, know what he wants in a relationship, and treat me with respect. Sometimes I get tired of being Grace. Don't get me wrong. I love all the Wills in my life. They are amazing men and I wouldn't ask any of them to change for the world, but it's hard sometimes.

So this is what I do to myself. I spend my days working out and watching everyone around me fall in love and I wait. I am waiting very patiently and if that makes me a loser that is fine. I don't find parties satisfying, I'd rather stay in with a good book and hot cocoa. I love picnics and the finer, smaller things in life. So I'll sit here and wait until some guy comes along who finds the smaller things in life amazing. Who enjoys watching old Disney movies and laughing at nothing. Who will go on walks with me around the neighborhood and talk. Because even though I've had two relationships with jerks, I've found that the times we were most happy was when we were enjoying the small things in life.

Why settle for less? After all, men will never be men if we settle for jerks.

Sorry men. I love you and all...but your majority make you look horrible. Yes, women have their bad sides too, but from a woman's perspective, men are the worst.

1 comment:

Violetta said...

You are a good person. Was good read your post.
Yes, you are young, i'm just 23 too, but in one year cheanged my life. :)

Best ragads,