Monday, June 01, 2009

Slow Summer Days

So far this summer has been slow and I have been feeling lazy. I'm not sure how I feel about this or what to do about it. I LOVE reading, but I feel like if I sit down to read a book for a few hours I get fat and lazy. I want to finish writing my story, but again the whole sitting around for a few hours makes me feel fat and lazy. I am trying to find a job but I mean, it's hard right now, everywhere.

So a Plan:

I may start taking day trips to different places. Coffee shops, Philly, random fairs and festivals, Delaware, Maryland, Anywhere really. It's either that or find a temporary summer job, but those are really hard to find too. I was thinking about taking bartending lessons, but I'm not sure how I feel about that either. I just want to get out.

I am uneasy about doing things alone. I am a firm believer in having people around you all the time. However, I really don't have any friends at home. At least this summer. It's stinky. I guess this is growing up. I don't really like it. I'm actually jealous of my little sister who is graduating high school who still gets to see her friends everyday and make plans and everything.

Oh well, this is just growing up.

Off to read. I'll post a review of the book when I'm done

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