Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Reflections of a 21 year old

So yesterday was my birthday.... when I tell you that it was done in style...I literally mean that I go 4 hrs of sleep the whole day.

Of course we went to the bar at midnight. It was good...but I drank way too much. Well ok here's the thing. It wasn't that I drank way too much...I just mixed way too much. For example...all I wanted was a guinness...so I got it. Then I had a red headed slut, an irish car bomb, a tequila shot, a sweedish fish, and I think one more but can't remember. Mixing =Bad. I mean I was golden and totally cool. J drove so that was cool. But then it hit me all at once and that wasn't cool. I was afraid to get off my little computer rolie chair. But it was good.

So then i stayed up talking to some ppl. And then around 3 I went to my friend's apt. I feel like I have talked about this friend before. We are more like FWB...very good benefits though he really frustrates me sometimes because he worries a lot about if he is hurting my feelings when he says no and stuff. whatever. I had already been hurt by him and I'm kinda over it. Apparently we drew yet another line the night of my birthday. I dunno I wish he would just man up cause I like him. He's sweet, kind, gentle, amazing at like everything he does, and hes a cutie with an amazing smile. But like I said...he worries a lot and I think he's just afraid. But anyway so i went over and enjoyed some benefits for my bday. He was cute about it...mainly because i was sobering up so we sat and talked for a while and laughed and had a good time.

Then I slept for 4 hrs. I got up showered...missed my first class cause i didnt get up on time... went to the office to get some things done and went to my theatre class. Try sewing after a night of drinking...I don't get hangovers...just have urges to shop and a major stomach ache. So I was like ugh my stomach hurts i can't concentrate of this stuff. But I got through the class. Then I had to run and drop off equipment and such. That was fun. After that I had to get my hw done...cause I neglected it.
Then my little's for thespians took me out to the Olive Garden and made me get some wine...so I did. It was good. We had a great dinner (thanks guys!!) and a nice evening. Then I had arts and crafts week which is crazy. Also, I went to the gym after that. Then I stayed up until midnight to finish off the day.

It was fun. But long and I was tired...infact I am still tired.

My roommates exboyfriend is here again. I feel like they gave him a key. That really really really bothers me. I hate it. He sleeps here, eats here, sits on my couch all day, and in general is really annoying. If he is going to be here all the time he should pitch in for rent and shit. Especially if he showers in my bathroom and sleeps on the couch. Seriously. Ughhhh its so annoying!

so besides that life is good. It doesn't feel any different being 21 though it is interesting to get carded. And so many people did not believe it was my birthday even tho it is written on my valid drivers license. Seriously ppl get with it!

Until less snowy days that i have to drive to class....

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