Thursday, July 05, 2007

Sometimes you just want to wish harder

And just pray that reality never had to settle in.

Staff leaves tonight. Its hard on me because I feel like I was just getting to know them and some I hardly got to know at all. It's really hard. Especially because I have made some huge decisions as of late and I really really just want some awesome guidance. Not that I won't get it from these amazing people out here, just sometimes you need someone who's been there to throw it into perspective. It's rough. I know God wil do amazing things through and through. I compeletly trust HIm.

Other news...I made it to the top of 14,265Ft mountain yesterday July 4th. It was Mt. Quandry. It was the hardest thing I've ever done...seriously. Thanks to the amazing people who helped me reach it. Also, to the Lord who answered so many prayers and who I just wanted to Glorify by reaching the top. Gosh things are going to be so weird now. After the mountain we headed into Denver and saw Ratatoullie. I loved it as per usual. Well it wasn't amazing but it was a fairly good movie. Then we came back and I had trouble sleeping. It was rough. Lots of things are rough right now. But I'll get through them.

I Have committed myself to what I know I Need to do. I hope in the process I come across amazing lesson plans for BIble Study and also have some questions for ms. KQ when we get back to school. I am so excited to learn and grow with her again.

Lord, In everything I have accomplished this summer please, please know that I want to Glorify You and only You. My accomplishments are nothing without You! I am so thankful for the people You have placed in my life this summer and cannot wait to continue. I love You Lord.

He really is amazing!

Until later dayz

All this feels strange and untrue
and I won't waste a minute without You

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