Monday, August 13, 2007

"I miss my friend"

To put is shortly and nicely some of my friends have strayed. I miss them. They have become different since I left for Colorado and now that I have returned I am worried. Of course there are those who have stood with me by and by. No matter how far away they go, they are always there for me. But I am slowly finding out that others just dont care. It makes me upset. I thought some of these people were my closest friends. I guess thats the way the cookie crumbles in life. People come and go. I am going to miss my friends.

Being home from Colorado is great. I went for a run today and it felt good. I might consider one again tomorrow. Tomorrow night i Have date night with Paul Michael. I miss him its been just about 5 months since I've last seen him. We are grabing some dinner and I can't wait to tell him about Colorado and to see his reaction when I order a salad. I miss my magical magician friend Paul and I am so excited to spend time with him.

I am hoping to go to Hershey Park before heading back up to school on Monday. This should be interesting, finding people to go is hard.

I got a new car and we named it Sharpay the Escape. My best friend Sarah thinks that its a boy car I still think its a girl car but how do you tell?

GOd has been great to me and Im so excited to see what plans He has in store. Next week is Raystown and I am excited excited for it.

I must be off. I am tired and tomorrow we are going to IKEA for some apt things and cooking supplies! I AM SO HAPPY TO BE HOME!!!!

Dad update: Hes great! He is slimming and his meds are working well. Hopefully he will be fully recovered by Christmas but we will keep praying.

Until colder days...

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