Monday, January 29, 2007

Snowy Days

I promised to write on some snow days and well... they are here. Granted there isn't much snow on the ground, but what can you do?

I got into Vail summer Project, which is good cause it gives me the opportunity to go to Vail, CO for 10 weeks of my summer vacation. It's going to cost a lot of money but I trust that God will provide for that. I haven't made my final decision on that yet, it's just kind of there right now. It's def going to take a lot of prayer.

Things are still weird around here. In the days leading up to my brithday and dance marathon some things are just weird. However, I am getting through them, step by step. Relying a lot on the Lord to show me where He wants me to go and what He has planned for me. It's not hard, it actually makes life easier.

So now I'm off to my three classes and the gym.

Later days!

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