Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Let's Walk

So in light of my amazing two weekends past. I have realized that I have had my times of trouble. Earlier posts that are not so happy. I would delete them, but it takes a long time and well being the busy busy college student that I am, I just don't have that time.

Today was a good day. I had two exams. It was a bit nerve racking. I got through them and did ok, but not as well as I would have liked. This means that I really have to step up and get things done.

So I have gone through everything I need to for Sunday. I meet with the Pastor on Saturday and then Sunday is the big day!!!! I'm excited. My parents seem cool with it and my grandmom was ok with it. I know things have been difficult since I decided that I will be going to Vail this summer but I do have to grow up sometime and I do love her very much. It's going to be just as hard on me to miss the big family vacation. However I need to pick my scripture verse for Sunday. So many have impacted my life I just don't want to pick one. I have to make sure its a good one. haha.

I hope things pick up again soon. I am going to try and do some more volunteer work besides being a Big Sister. I also have TAPS next week for Crazy For You and then finally, Spring Break. Ah good old Spring Break!!! I am also working like crazy on my: He Who Stole My Heart powerpoint/presentation. I hope I get to talk with some high school girls over break that would be really sweet.

well I better go and catch up on some work....or maybe get ahead of my work.
Until Warmer Days!

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