Sunday, February 25, 2007

My chains are gone, I've been set free

My God, My Savior has ransomed me
and like a flood
His mercy rains
Unending Love
Amazing Grace
~Chris Tomlin~

I'm in awe of what God has the power to do in my life. I'm going to be baptized again next Sunday!!!!!! I can hardly contain my excitement!!!!!!!!! I will be able to reaffirm my faith with my friends gathered around me!!! My parents won't be able to make the trip but that's quite alright I guess. I mean I don't know another time I would be able to do it. Of course the bestest won't be able to make it but that's ok. He'll be there in spirit I'm sure. AHHHHHHH I"M PUMPED! GOD IS GOOD PEOPLE GOD IS GOOD!

If You haven't heard the new Switchfoot Album you should. It's great and I love it!!!! YAY SWITCHFOOT!
If You haven't seen the new Bond movie You should. It's good too!!!

I finished my support letter for Vail and hopefully will send it out soon. I have selected the 5 people I am going to pray for during lent. I have also started on the power point for the HE WHO CAPTURED MY HEART presentation. I am hoping to give it during Spring Break but who knows. I might not be able to give it until after I get back from Vail. Either way God will make it happen and I hope to get many high school girls thinking about more than just sex and being perfect. Who knows!

I should go and study but I can't focus. AHHH GOD IS SOOOOOOOO GOOD!

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