Wednesday, March 07, 2007

It was the Darnedest thing....I woke up in a snow globe!

Seriously. It happened today. 4 inches of snow on the ground this morning when I got up and it was still snowing when I went to class. I thought we had seen the last of Mr. Snow but I guess not. One more big thrill. Too bad college doesn't really give you off or a delay. That stinks, cause when it snows like this and becomes -15 degrees out and I walk to class and get frostbite even though I have about 10 layers on.....boy do I miss grade school days.

What I wanted to write down was a little bit that I am adding to my talk about my Baptism if Double A lets me give one at Cru.
As I was walking to class today, I stopped and just looked around. I didn't have my headphones on, so I just listened. It was extremely peaceful. You could almost hear the snow ping as it hit the already snow filled lawn. It was beauty at it's finest. Even more so, it made everything look white and pure. It made everything glow. And how bout that? God does what snow does. He wipes us clean of all our sins and makes us white and pure again. He makes us glow. By accepting Christ, his death and resurrection, we are born again into a new life that is pure and we have the opportunity to glow with the light of Christ. How amazing is that? All this from taking a minute to stop and watch the snow fall and listen to it in the stillness of the morning. Amazingly wonderful.
Just as a side note, it actually snowed during my baptism.

Today was a stressful day, at one point in time my brain turned to jelly. It just stopped working because it was seriously fed up with the stress I was putting on it. I mean that's what it felt like anyway. However, spending a small moment in silence with the Lord made me calm and brought me back to my senses. How wonderful! I had to make lots of big decisions today. I wish they could wait until later. I decided to not crew the School of Theatre show because it will just cause unneeded craziness in my life. I had a quiz that I wasn't fully prepared for. Things for Crazy For You need to get done that aren't getting done. It's just frustrating. But God is the Master of plans and works everything out. PTL!

I must be off to bed now.
Until Spring!

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