Tuesday, January 15, 2008

As Sweet as It Sounds

My sweet semester.
I should write a book.
After this semester I could write a book.

Here are what my classes look like at a glance. MW Power Skating and Theatre. FUN!!!! F I only have Power Skating and a whole day off!

T TH I have A sweet English 202 A which is a writing class on Ethnographics with a sweet professor.
A Creative Writing Class...Which I will def get a lot out of
And a production class for Comm

My production class might be my only class from hell this semester. The others I can deal with and schedule proper time to study and what not for. However, this Comm Class might put me over the bucket with stress. I get that sense just by reading the syll. However, I haven't actually been there yet so I'm not sure.

I have factored in time to go to the gym. Have my Bible Study. Cook Dinner. Eat Healthy. Bum it in the Thespian office. Do THON stuff. and Direct....should that position be given to me.


The reason for this post today was not to talk about my schedule....I just forgot what I was actually going to talk about. But if It comes to me later...well then I'll make note of it and write write write.

Until Warmer Days

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