A Little Bit Longer and I'll be fine
Waitin on the cure
But none of them are sure
A little bit longer and I'll be fine
~Nick Jonas~ A Little Bit Longer
So I'm different than Nick Jonas of course, but having a chronic illness just stinks. Having to take medications every day....it's not fun. Yesterday I had a really rough day. All I wanted to do was sing and my lungs would not allow me to. I was really congested and it was really frustrating. Talking was a chore. I hated it. But I've been learning more about asthma and allergies and how I can be an ambassador of my illness too. Most days I am perfectly fine. But I have my lows. Days were I can't talk, where I'm too congested to exercise, headaches that keep me on the couch, and so on. I can take all the meds I want, use all the creams they tell me to *exzema is popular with asthma*, and do whatever it takes to get better, but just sitting here feeling bad for myself is not a good way to spend my life. Why did it take a 15 year old boy and his two older brothers to show me that?
So I'll wait Til Kingdom Come
All the highs and lows are gone
a little bit longer and I'll be fine
I wrote my own little song called Rough Todays. I don't think the song will ever get anywhere but hey, who knows. I'm not pushing for it though. I have other things on my mind. So lets talk about them and the blessings I have in my life.
Today I had a very hyper day! Who knew getting up at 6 to go to work would make someone so hyper! I was singing and dancing. I was modeling the new clothes I bought for Disney and the clothes I made for the Renn Faire! It was awesome! I am still hyper but I'm winding down. I had a GREAT DAY! Trying to be more cheerful and positive is making such a difference!
A huge blessing I have found in my life is found in music. The Jonas Brothers to be exact and their family *including team Jonas* Who knew three boys with a great family and amazing team members could be so inspiring! I wasn't a huge Jonas fan at first, but then something happened. I don't know what it was...Camp Rock or Play My Music....something sparked a Jonas mania in me and I have been hooked on what I like to call "Lovebug Jonas" ever since. Thanks to MTV I have been IV hooked to the life of the Jonas Brothers and was able to see the beautiful Kevin *my personal guitar hero* wake up this morning...he's a typical 20 year old boy, "Oh good....Please Go Away." I followed them from last night all the way up until their show tonight at Madison Square Gardens in NYC. Love you boys and rock MSG this weekend!!!
Hit up www.jonasbrothers.com www.changeforthechildren.com or nickssimplewins.com to be inspired by these beautiful young men.
Another huge blessing is my family! They are being so supportive of my going to Disney for a semester. I was really worried. I hate leaving my family. Everyone who knows me, knows how much I love my family and I have a need to be near them. However, when God opened this door for me, I said yes and I am so excited! This is an incredible opportunity. I am thankful for my family for being my family and supporting me through this. I get to spend one full week with them before taking off on Saturday morning *12am* for Florida, starting my program on Monday, taking a day to myself on Sunday.
Two of my great friends! Well three... Sarah and Ben. I love you guys. Without you I don't know what I would do!!! Even though Sarah and I had our first big fight.... we are still bffs. She's great and Ben just is amazing as well! Thanks guys!!! I'm really going to miss you! Another friend who was a great blessing this summer popped out from the past this May. Mr.Magic has graduated HS and is pursuing his career as a Magician. I am so very proud of him! We have spent a lot of time together this summer doing things like: Me and his lil sis of 7 singing HSM kareoke, dinners after my internship, The PA Renn Faire *celtic fling*, and working on a juggling routine to some Disney song. We toss email back and forth talking about everything. What a great friend! He sees through everything!
Tomorrow Mr. Magic and I are heading to the pa renn Faire. I am going to be a pirate! I made half of my costume myself! It is very exciting. maybe I'll post pictures but there will probably be a vlog about it so check out You Tube! We will be entertaining others with our talents and just being crazy at a sweet place!
Well thats all for now. Omgosh I am getting so excited!!!