Mt. Holy Cross
So my week of fasting is over!!
Not having a computer for a whole week was challenging but really good for me. It showed me that I spend way too much time online and so I am cutting back. I am very greatful for that lesson.
Dad Update: He's good. What they took out was the right thing and its going to be a long healing process. That is ok. We are going to get through this with God's love and grace.
Vail Update: Things here are awesome. Right now I'm not feeling too hot but I had a great weekend! It was women's/men's weekend and we did different things. The boys climbed mountains or something. Us girls camped out with a bear! We ate Hobos and had smores and all that good stuff. Worshiped and such. THen we went for a hike which was soooo much fun and very beautiful. After that We ame back, showered and went out to dinner in groups with different girls. We had questions to ask and we talked alot. My group was cool and awesome! Then we came back and Beth talked and then we had girls and did girl things. THen today we went to church and then had a girls brunch at which Liz talked and every girl got a flower! It was cool.
Anyways Jo asked me to go to walmart so I'll finish later.
Things are awesome and getting better everyday!!! It's awesome. I really miss home and all but Things here aren't bad. I think we are going to Hike Holy Cross soon. I really would like to see it! It's pretty much amazing. Other than that, its horseback riding, work, and hanging with the gang.
Staff leaves in 10 days and that's sad...
Until early nights
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