Sunday, July 15, 2007

You're the perfect thing to say

Loving the song Everything by Michael Buble. Mainly because I cannot wait until I make some guy feel that way one day. I pray he's man enough to tell me that I mean the world to him. It also makes me want to wait even more for the one man that God has for me in my life. I love love love that song.

I went White Water Rafting today. It was AMAZING!!!!! The guys were out numbered by the girls but it was all good. We had a blast. I was the first one who got to jump out and swim. Others were pushed in before me though. The guys pushed me in twice because they knew I wanted to be in the water! haha. They were funny. WE hit some sweet rapids and got soaked. We wetn swimming and did flips off te raft. WE pulled over for some Lemonade with the other groups. I helped some wee ones grab some lemonade because they were just too cute. Then we kept going and going. It was sweet. For the last set of rapids 4 of us jumped out and swam them. I was one of the 4. It was AWESOME!!! I had never swam rapids before and I can't wait to do it again! I think most of all though we got to be examples of Christ. We had a blast.

It saddens my heart to think that I know people who are missing out on this amazing journey with Christ. Sometimes it's really hard to understand why in the world peope would just turn from the Lord after you have seen and heard of all His amazing works. My heart hurts just thinking about it. Being out here has opened my eyes to so many things. I can not wait until I get back to school and have my Bible Study girls. I have so much to tell them. I can't wait to bring Christ back to campus. Just by telling people of everything we have done, seen, and heard out here. God has been amazing these past weeks and I am sad to know i have to leave in 4 weeks. However, I know my work is not finished. There is so much that is to be accomplished. The Lord has been so faithful and well He's really just been HImself but I think for the first time I am really really seeing what it's like. I am awed, amazed, inspired, and complete. Honestly, people don't know what they are missing out on!

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