So this past Friday I saw Spring Awakening from the stage seats. It was good, but it was flat. My apologies for having to say this, cast if you are reading this sorry, but it was really flat but it could have been the fact that I was on stage. Even though I enjoyed the unique view and interaction of the cast with the members of the stage audience, I got more from the show in my third tear Balcony seats on Wednesday then I did when I saw it on stage. I was really excited because I thought some of the high energy numbers would totally rock from the on stage but it just didn't feel that way.
ENOUGH! With the negatives. Onto the unique perspective. The cast did an amazing job watching each other for cues as well as making eye contact with the stage audience. It was allllll personal now. Our seats just happened to be the ones against the wall the scale a few times in the show. That made for an interesting few scenes. Hanschen scaled it and so did Melchior. It was fun though. I think the thing that I am most appreciative of with my stage seats was the music and the voices. The strings in this show are so beautiful and often used as undertones while the heavier guitars and drums are played over. However, we were sitting right in front of the strings and it was the most beautiful sound I have heard in a long time. The haunting sounds of the boys singing background in 'Touch Me' was beautiful and sent chills down my spine as they were singing in my ear. And the story, while many dispute that it is old and everyone goes through these things this is not different, it is amazingly beautiful and awakening. I think it's a timeless tale that needs to be told and needs to be seen by adults today. *I wrote all of this in my 15 page research paper for my final theatre credits for my minor.*
So there are my thoughts. Send your questions and I'll answer them. I will leave you with some pics from the cast that were so kind to sign our playbills, answer our questions, and take pictures with us post show. BTW Spring Awakening Tour cast you win for the most cast members coming out after a show. I don't think in all the Broadway Stage Doors I have stood at, there has been a turn out like yours. You guys rock and were fantastic! I appreciate all the hard work you all have done and great job to Jake as Melchior, I know you have been going through tons of rehearsals but you were great.
Thanks all!