Christmas this year was amazing...I think everyone liked their gifts and we had a great time.
I dunno it just didn't feel like Chirstmas this year for some reason.
The day after I had the financial talk with my dad about what i need to do when i get out of school blah blah blah and so on. It was a great talk and I might go to Disney for the college program in the fall. ( a dream of mine).
Today I leave again. I leave for D.C. for Cru's regional conference Radiate. I'll be there until the first. This is the second year in a row I don't get to spend new years with my family. I really don't want to go to conference but I already made the $80 deposit fee. Oh well that's life I guess. THey make you sign up for this thing almost a full month ahead of time and to get the discounted price u have to pay the deposit fee by a certain date. So I did that cause I could not afford to pay 300$ for this thing. And now I don't even want to go. Ugh. I'll just deal with it. Im sure Ill have a blast when Im down there.
I wont be writing until after the first so have a great New Year all!!!!!
Until 2008
Friday, December 28, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas at Bernie and Joe's, A Trip to the ER, and More!
YAY!!! It's the Most Wonderful Time of the YEar!
So this past Saturday we went down to my Grandparents house for Christmas!!! It's tradition, I love it I'm not complaining! Well it was a bit more exciting this year. Not only were presents sure amazing piled high and included a Belle Princess Pillow for me, but there was some special. See with my dad being sick this summer and me not being home, it was hard on my family to prep my bro for college, take care of home stuff, mom to run a bball team, and take care of 16 yr old wild child like my sister. So my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins (my mom's sister and her fam) stepped in. They have 2 daughters my sisters age and mine. So we're close. THey did a lot for us, including keeping me up to par via email when my mom could not. Or making that phone call to CO to say hi and send love. So my dad goes out and buys them a Wii. Well.... no one saw it coming. So they get this nice card and the 4 of them are huddled around it holding this box and reading together. Then they open it. Oh Boy I wish I could show you the expressions that filled the room.So much excitement (and disappointment from my family cause we didnt get one). Then another box comes out for us from my dad and low and behold...we got a Wii too!! SO MUCH FUN!!! We set my cousin's Wii at my grandparents house and everyone was playing...My poppop was the one who was the most into it though. Haha hat was a sight to see. So a lovely surprise for us this Christmas.
Last night I went to the ER. It's not a trip home unless I go to the ER. The summer after my freshman year at school I fell out of my door and horribly sprained my foot in August. THen that winter i had an asthma attack in the ER. Nothing happened this THanksgiving, that I can remember. But Low and behold... I was in the ER last night. Another one of my famous Asthma attacks. I swear one minute your fine, the next your coughing and gasping for air, they sneak up on ya. We didn't stay because it was like full and we had to wait, after a half hour of waiting I felt better, the nurse listened to my lungs and she said i was fine and i could go. We didn't get Charged! Merry Christmas us!! I'm a little better now... just being careful.
I worked today. I don't want to be a scrooge or anything but I LOVE WORKING the day before Christmas. People tip so well. My co-waitress and I only did a total of 40 checks and we made well over $100. That's good considering a good day at the Diner is like $80 or less. Too bad it all has to go to my next car payment.
Well tonight we go to Mass and then head over to My aunts to hang out. We'll come home. I'll sneak my sister's gift downstairs and hide the pieces to it for her hunt tomorrow (more on that later). My bro, well he can wait lol. I can't wait for the Walt Disney World Christmas parade in the morning and Christmas brunch with dad's mom and dad. So excited! Christmas is awesome!! Even though I have been a grump because I'm the only one single around here these days and so I don't get any mistletoe kisses, jewlery, or what not again this Christmas. I've been better the past few days.... haha
So this past Saturday we went down to my Grandparents house for Christmas!!! It's tradition, I love it I'm not complaining! Well it was a bit more exciting this year. Not only were presents sure amazing piled high and included a Belle Princess Pillow for me, but there was some special. See with my dad being sick this summer and me not being home, it was hard on my family to prep my bro for college, take care of home stuff, mom to run a bball team, and take care of 16 yr old wild child like my sister. So my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins (my mom's sister and her fam) stepped in. They have 2 daughters my sisters age and mine. So we're close. THey did a lot for us, including keeping me up to par via email when my mom could not. Or making that phone call to CO to say hi and send love. So my dad goes out and buys them a Wii. Well.... no one saw it coming. So they get this nice card and the 4 of them are huddled around it holding this box and reading together. Then they open it. Oh Boy I wish I could show you the expressions that filled the room.So much excitement (and disappointment from my family cause we didnt get one). Then another box comes out for us from my dad and low and behold...we got a Wii too!! SO MUCH FUN!!! We set my cousin's Wii at my grandparents house and everyone was playing...My poppop was the one who was the most into it though. Haha hat was a sight to see. So a lovely surprise for us this Christmas.
Last night I went to the ER. It's not a trip home unless I go to the ER. The summer after my freshman year at school I fell out of my door and horribly sprained my foot in August. THen that winter i had an asthma attack in the ER. Nothing happened this THanksgiving, that I can remember. But Low and behold... I was in the ER last night. Another one of my famous Asthma attacks. I swear one minute your fine, the next your coughing and gasping for air, they sneak up on ya. We didn't stay because it was like full and we had to wait, after a half hour of waiting I felt better, the nurse listened to my lungs and she said i was fine and i could go. We didn't get Charged! Merry Christmas us!! I'm a little better now... just being careful.
I worked today. I don't want to be a scrooge or anything but I LOVE WORKING the day before Christmas. People tip so well. My co-waitress and I only did a total of 40 checks and we made well over $100. That's good considering a good day at the Diner is like $80 or less. Too bad it all has to go to my next car payment.
Well tonight we go to Mass and then head over to My aunts to hang out. We'll come home. I'll sneak my sister's gift downstairs and hide the pieces to it for her hunt tomorrow (more on that later). My bro, well he can wait lol. I can't wait for the Walt Disney World Christmas parade in the morning and Christmas brunch with dad's mom and dad. So excited! Christmas is awesome!! Even though I have been a grump because I'm the only one single around here these days and so I don't get any mistletoe kisses, jewlery, or what not again this Christmas. I've been better the past few days.... haha
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Oh My Anthony Bourdain

So I'm sitting here watching No Reservations. For those of you unfamiliar to this show... It is Anthony Bourdain as he travels the world discovering cultures and great food.
Well I love Anthony Bourdain. I am in the process of reading his book Kitchen Confidential, though I am not past the first chapter yet, and I am amazed. He's amazing. It might just be my love of chefs. I mean if there is anything I love more than theatrically talented men, it's a man who can cook well and does it with perfection. While Bourdain's life isn't perfect, he's had is drug use days, I still can't help but love him for his talent and ability have a fun life.
Watching No Reservations, a show I recently became hooked on thanks to my Heroes buddy, I just fall even more in love with him. Also, I get to learn a lot about other cultures. I don't get to eat a lot of things (meat allergy) but I do love watching how different cultures make their favorite foods. It's great!
And now....

I cannot wait to see this movie!!! I am so in love with the first one, that the second has to be amazing. Ok I am a sap for the love story that just so happens to appear in the first one. I hope that it gets continued in the second. I cannot wait for the adventure and the clues and trying to solve this movie. I am so very very excited!!! I think Chuck is taking me on Friday and I'm SUPER EXCITED!!!
I'm taking my 3 little boy cousins to see Alvin and the Chipmunks on Saturday. They were really excited when I mentioned it. Pray for me cause they are a handful! haha
TOP CHEF MARATHON!!! that means I have to go...
Until Mistletoe Kisses...
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Merry Christmas...let me cause an accident for you...
So one thing that really irks me about the Holidays is drivers...
Yes I am a driver, but I am very aware of my surroundings. I think this has to do with the fact that my car is brand new and I don't want to hurt it.
So Sarah and Ben, my fave couple, and I went to the big mall today to the Apple store so I could get the sims and Ben could get the Leopard system. But on the way... we almost got into three accidents. Count em. 3. One was a huge white truck who didn't know what a turn signal was. Another was someone who had no clue where they were going, and another was another car who didn't know what a turn signal was.
Note to Holiday shoppers Everywhere: KNOW THE AREA YOU ARE DRIVING TO. LEARN HOW TO USE YOUR CAR, turn signals, breaks, etc.
The last thing we need is people dying because of careless people on the road.
Ok that's my rant...
Christmas is soon!!!
P.S. all I want for Christmas is a nice guy...Santa, do you think this is at all possible?
Later Dayz
Yes I am a driver, but I am very aware of my surroundings. I think this has to do with the fact that my car is brand new and I don't want to hurt it.
So Sarah and Ben, my fave couple, and I went to the big mall today to the Apple store so I could get the sims and Ben could get the Leopard system. But on the way... we almost got into three accidents. Count em. 3. One was a huge white truck who didn't know what a turn signal was. Another was someone who had no clue where they were going, and another was another car who didn't know what a turn signal was.
Note to Holiday shoppers Everywhere: KNOW THE AREA YOU ARE DRIVING TO. LEARN HOW TO USE YOUR CAR, turn signals, breaks, etc.
The last thing we need is people dying because of careless people on the road.
Ok that's my rant...
Christmas is soon!!!
P.S. all I want for Christmas is a nice guy...Santa, do you think this is at all possible?
Later Dayz
Monday, December 17, 2007
Christmas Movies Galore and Losing a Best Friend
So I am at home. Sorry it has been a while between posts. I was getting situated to come home and finishing up classes.
It's been rough you know. I finished my 14 page Script analysis final and I have been working on my Comm 410 final which only have to be 5-6 pages long, but I'll be lucky if I reach that. I don't even think that I am doing this final right, but I just don't have time. I am wiped clean from that 14 pager on Spring Awakening (it was a lot of fun but Spring Awakening isn't exactly a cheery play. Lots of death and stuff). I need to do well on this but something in my gut tells me I'm doing it wrong. Rob checked out my first two pages and said it looked fine, but who the heck knows...he does do better on his papers then me though. I'm taking a break from it until I can get Lexus Nexus to work....more than likely on the other computer. So I can find stuff to add. Grrr I hate papers...this is why I am a comm major.
I had that talk with my parents last night. You know the one about what happens now that I am almost a senior and what I am supposed to do with my life and so on.... I cried, my dad always makes me feel horrible about it. I mean I did get an internship and I am doing a Co-op with that company next semester but for some reason it's not enough because I'm only making $8 an hr. Then I got yelled at because they know all I really want to do is theatre and they kept don't make any money is theatre. blah blah blah. stressful. So stressful. I just want to do something I love. and to be honest, besides theatre I don't know what that is. Yeah doing stuff with comm is fun and all but its the people that make it fun. I don't really want to live out of a suitcase ding freelance. I don't want to be a teacher. I just want to make people smile. So maybe I will do an internship in Disney. Maybe I will give up my senior year of PSU football. Who knows. All I know is that it's time to step up.
I have been watching Christmas movies a lot since I've been home. Love Actually was last night when I had writers block trying to describe the purpose of the Masked Gentleman in Spring Awakening. I love Love Actually. Great movie. However, its hard because well I have to be alone on Christmas since you know guys are jerks blah blah blah. I wish it was different a lot of times. Sometimes I just wish I knew what i was doing wrong. He'll come around someday I suppose, that Prince Charming of mine.
Now onto the Losing a Best Friend Part. My ex turned 21 this past weekend. Actually Yesterday was his birthday...Happy Birthday ex, you'll never know. Funny thing is, I broke up with him because he was being a jerk and I still have feelings for him. Or maybe it's just the fact that I still feel/care for him. Whatever. ANyway my best friend, a guy, who is also his best friend, who just so happened to get a girlfriend while i was away over the summer (lost yet?), out of nowhere stopped talking to me. I was like ummm ok. Stopped calling me to get coffee, stopped everything. I even bought him a Christmas gift, which is goin right back to the store. I just don't get it. So the theme of the week is my lack of trust in guys because of the boys in Nittany Gardens...I mean come on. Thats just a jerky move right there. Prolly something with his girlfriend. Prolly because I was upset he wouldn't work for me on a night when i was getting three hrs a sleep because he had to visit his gf who he was going to see in 2 weeks. Ugh you can't even call them Men because they are really just immature boys.
So if you are wondering why the blog is called Romantic's's because I hope that maybe one male who reads this, any male in the world, will treat some lucky lady better than I myself have been treated. And Maybe it will catch like some disease. Maybe there are guys out there telling their friends that what they are doing is stupid, immature, and unfair to girls everywhere. Not to mention, disrespectful, hurtful, and trust threatening. It hurts. So maybe, dude, whoever you are. PLease make a difference. So I know that some girl out there is being made happier than me because he guy is not a jerk.
Until Faithful Men~
(I promise I won't be that long)
It's been rough you know. I finished my 14 page Script analysis final and I have been working on my Comm 410 final which only have to be 5-6 pages long, but I'll be lucky if I reach that. I don't even think that I am doing this final right, but I just don't have time. I am wiped clean from that 14 pager on Spring Awakening (it was a lot of fun but Spring Awakening isn't exactly a cheery play. Lots of death and stuff). I need to do well on this but something in my gut tells me I'm doing it wrong. Rob checked out my first two pages and said it looked fine, but who the heck knows...he does do better on his papers then me though. I'm taking a break from it until I can get Lexus Nexus to work....more than likely on the other computer. So I can find stuff to add. Grrr I hate papers...this is why I am a comm major.
I had that talk with my parents last night. You know the one about what happens now that I am almost a senior and what I am supposed to do with my life and so on.... I cried, my dad always makes me feel horrible about it. I mean I did get an internship and I am doing a Co-op with that company next semester but for some reason it's not enough because I'm only making $8 an hr. Then I got yelled at because they know all I really want to do is theatre and they kept don't make any money is theatre. blah blah blah. stressful. So stressful. I just want to do something I love. and to be honest, besides theatre I don't know what that is. Yeah doing stuff with comm is fun and all but its the people that make it fun. I don't really want to live out of a suitcase ding freelance. I don't want to be a teacher. I just want to make people smile. So maybe I will do an internship in Disney. Maybe I will give up my senior year of PSU football. Who knows. All I know is that it's time to step up.
I have been watching Christmas movies a lot since I've been home. Love Actually was last night when I had writers block trying to describe the purpose of the Masked Gentleman in Spring Awakening. I love Love Actually. Great movie. However, its hard because well I have to be alone on Christmas since you know guys are jerks blah blah blah. I wish it was different a lot of times. Sometimes I just wish I knew what i was doing wrong. He'll come around someday I suppose, that Prince Charming of mine.
Now onto the Losing a Best Friend Part. My ex turned 21 this past weekend. Actually Yesterday was his birthday...Happy Birthday ex, you'll never know. Funny thing is, I broke up with him because he was being a jerk and I still have feelings for him. Or maybe it's just the fact that I still feel/care for him. Whatever. ANyway my best friend, a guy, who is also his best friend, who just so happened to get a girlfriend while i was away over the summer (lost yet?), out of nowhere stopped talking to me. I was like ummm ok. Stopped calling me to get coffee, stopped everything. I even bought him a Christmas gift, which is goin right back to the store. I just don't get it. So the theme of the week is my lack of trust in guys because of the boys in Nittany Gardens...I mean come on. Thats just a jerky move right there. Prolly something with his girlfriend. Prolly because I was upset he wouldn't work for me on a night when i was getting three hrs a sleep because he had to visit his gf who he was going to see in 2 weeks. Ugh you can't even call them Men because they are really just immature boys.
So if you are wondering why the blog is called Romantic's's because I hope that maybe one male who reads this, any male in the world, will treat some lucky lady better than I myself have been treated. And Maybe it will catch like some disease. Maybe there are guys out there telling their friends that what they are doing is stupid, immature, and unfair to girls everywhere. Not to mention, disrespectful, hurtful, and trust threatening. It hurts. So maybe, dude, whoever you are. PLease make a difference. So I know that some girl out there is being made happier than me because he guy is not a jerk.
Until Faithful Men~
(I promise I won't be that long)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Snowy Ice Rain
That describes my morning anyway. For some reason the weather can't decide what it wants to do before it drops a huge snowstorm on us. Today on my way to Starbucks it was clearly sleeting (ice rain), then it started raining and now I'm sitting in starbucks (I was studying) and its snowing....big flakes, then small ones, then fast and slow. It's crazy.
I have a test today I need to do well on. I was hoping that it got cancelled but no such luck. I have been studying for the past two days. I feel ok about the material. It's only 50 Multiple Choice Questions. But it's the last test of the semester and we don't have a final. I am nervous a bit. After that I have my last official class of Italian. Tomorrow we have an essay exam. 100-120 words in Italian on a movie we saw for the Italian Film Series. The movie I saw was ok. But we have to write these if clauses and's confusing. But it's my last Italian class EVER!!!!
My grades this semester....not so hot. I think I might get one A. That is to say if I do well on the final paper. That A would be in can I get anything less in a Theatre class. I love it! I expect somewhere in the B area for the rest of my classes. It makes me nervous and unsettled but as long as they are no C's right? It's just that at the end of last Semester I had a 3.64 GPA and now I'm not going to get that. No way. If I'm lucky a 3.0 which will drop my Cume GPA to like a 3.0. It's only at a 3.3 now. Oh grades why do you haunt me. Sometimes I fee like Moritz from Spring Awakening. I would never kill myself over grades, but I can see where he comes from. If people didn't put so much pressure on us to do well in school, I think we would enjoy it more. We wouldn't feel like we have to be there. We would be there because we do want to learn. We'd do a lot better that way. No one would be forced to think about money and such. We would only think about what we would love to do and we would become successful that way.
I wish it was that easy.
I am excited because I am going home this weekend. What day I have no idea because of the Noreaster...gotta love them! I might have to go home alone now. I was driving someone but if I have to leave early he can't come with me. It would be horrible to go home alone in a snow storm. I would be scared. I don't worry so much about my driving as I do other peoples. It's kinda scary. Anyways I better go and get to the class to study for 45 min b4 the exam. Then I can sell back my last book and work on my final 2 papers. Then I will be done after this weekend. No final exams for me. Just Final essays. one of which is on Blogger!!! Get excited haha.
Until cozy fireplaces....
I have a test today I need to do well on. I was hoping that it got cancelled but no such luck. I have been studying for the past two days. I feel ok about the material. It's only 50 Multiple Choice Questions. But it's the last test of the semester and we don't have a final. I am nervous a bit. After that I have my last official class of Italian. Tomorrow we have an essay exam. 100-120 words in Italian on a movie we saw for the Italian Film Series. The movie I saw was ok. But we have to write these if clauses and's confusing. But it's my last Italian class EVER!!!!
My grades this semester....not so hot. I think I might get one A. That is to say if I do well on the final paper. That A would be in can I get anything less in a Theatre class. I love it! I expect somewhere in the B area for the rest of my classes. It makes me nervous and unsettled but as long as they are no C's right? It's just that at the end of last Semester I had a 3.64 GPA and now I'm not going to get that. No way. If I'm lucky a 3.0 which will drop my Cume GPA to like a 3.0. It's only at a 3.3 now. Oh grades why do you haunt me. Sometimes I fee like Moritz from Spring Awakening. I would never kill myself over grades, but I can see where he comes from. If people didn't put so much pressure on us to do well in school, I think we would enjoy it more. We wouldn't feel like we have to be there. We would be there because we do want to learn. We'd do a lot better that way. No one would be forced to think about money and such. We would only think about what we would love to do and we would become successful that way.
I wish it was that easy.
I am excited because I am going home this weekend. What day I have no idea because of the Noreaster...gotta love them! I might have to go home alone now. I was driving someone but if I have to leave early he can't come with me. It would be horrible to go home alone in a snow storm. I would be scared. I don't worry so much about my driving as I do other peoples. It's kinda scary. Anyways I better go and get to the class to study for 45 min b4 the exam. Then I can sell back my last book and work on my final 2 papers. Then I will be done after this weekend. No final exams for me. Just Final essays. one of which is on Blogger!!! Get excited haha.
Until cozy fireplaces....
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
A Snow White Kiss
So earlier in this season...well the fall season, maybe late summer season..I wrote about how every girl wants to be kissed in the rain. Or at least I do...I like rain! And it's really romantic and cute. However today it is snowing.... a light but nice coating snow.
I decided that every girl should want what I will call a Snow White Kiss...not a "I got poisoned by an apple and asleep Prince come rescue me!" and by Prince, I mean the Handsome Prince...not the singer.
Anyway..the Snow What Kiss would happen in the winter (duh) when the snow is falling gently. It should be unexpected. Like when making snow angels or laughing after slipping. It should be special and sweet. If it happens in a snow won't be romantic. It must be when the snow is falling gently.
That is my romantic thought for the day.
Some extra thoughts: If I am paying money to go to class in the winter...I want coat hooks on the wall....It is very awkward to sit in class with a heavy coat on. Also, putting it on the back of the chair, the floor, etc makes it dirty. Seriously....coat hooks.
I have work but I don't feel like doing it. I think I have all the time in the world but really I don't. I should get started on more work, but seriously...its just not workin for me. Homework stinks. I'm against it. But alas...I am going to college.
However! I got a real job. I am a production assistant at the public broadcasting station. Granted it pasy a little over min wage...but my boss is pushing to get us more money. The university only allows him to pay so much. He doesn't like it. Upon my completion of my internship with them is how i got it and I am so very excited for it!!!
Well I better go study Italian or write a paper on blogs or finish my internship paper...something productive.
Until warm fires (in fireplaces of course)
I decided that every girl should want what I will call a Snow White Kiss...not a "I got poisoned by an apple and asleep Prince come rescue me!" and by Prince, I mean the Handsome Prince...not the singer.
Anyway..the Snow What Kiss would happen in the winter (duh) when the snow is falling gently. It should be unexpected. Like when making snow angels or laughing after slipping. It should be special and sweet. If it happens in a snow won't be romantic. It must be when the snow is falling gently.
That is my romantic thought for the day.
Some extra thoughts: If I am paying money to go to class in the winter...I want coat hooks on the wall....It is very awkward to sit in class with a heavy coat on. Also, putting it on the back of the chair, the floor, etc makes it dirty. Seriously....coat hooks.
I have work but I don't feel like doing it. I think I have all the time in the world but really I don't. I should get started on more work, but seriously...its just not workin for me. Homework stinks. I'm against it. But alas...I am going to college.
However! I got a real job. I am a production assistant at the public broadcasting station. Granted it pasy a little over min wage...but my boss is pushing to get us more money. The university only allows him to pay so much. He doesn't like it. Upon my completion of my internship with them is how i got it and I am so very excited for it!!!
Well I better go study Italian or write a paper on blogs or finish my internship paper...something productive.
Until warm fires (in fireplaces of course)
Monday, December 03, 2007
Purity comes in many forms....snow is one of them
Ah snow is beautiful. It coats everything white and some how everything seems brand new. It sparkles and it shines.
It's beautiful!
Today it snowed...while the weather itself was horrible, wind, sleet, etc., The snow was beautiful. It felt so pure. Probably because its the first snow I've seen all year...except in CO this summer.
It was GREAT!!!!
I feel like Christmas. I feel like Disney World. I really really really want to go to Dinsey World this Christmas break. I might go too! For something like 3 days in Disney World! I LOVE DISNEY WORLD!!! It will be my birthday present... SO I'm either going in Jan or May...before or after my birthday.
Disney is like my fave place in the world. That and Ireland and Italy. THree fave places. But DISNEY is the top. One day I will work there making people's dreams come true. I love making people's dreams come true! Seriously! SERIOUSLY!!!! Seeing smiles on peoples faces just awww man its AWESOME!!!
You gotta try it sometime...just smile and say hi to people. It works!
Until DISNEY!!!!
It's beautiful!
Today it snowed...while the weather itself was horrible, wind, sleet, etc., The snow was beautiful. It felt so pure. Probably because its the first snow I've seen all year...except in CO this summer.
It was GREAT!!!!
I feel like Christmas. I feel like Disney World. I really really really want to go to Dinsey World this Christmas break. I might go too! For something like 3 days in Disney World! I LOVE DISNEY WORLD!!! It will be my birthday present... SO I'm either going in Jan or May...before or after my birthday.
Disney is like my fave place in the world. That and Ireland and Italy. THree fave places. But DISNEY is the top. One day I will work there making people's dreams come true. I love making people's dreams come true! Seriously! SERIOUSLY!!!! Seeing smiles on peoples faces just awww man its AWESOME!!!
You gotta try it sometime...just smile and say hi to people. It works!
Until DISNEY!!!!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Frostbite~ For The Kids
So this weekend's canning trip was wonderful!!! I'm really proud of the Thespians stepping it up and raising some money. The title of this post comes from the chilly chilly weather, wind, and standing outside in the cold for hours! We raised a lot of money for the kids! However, some of us came close to getting some pretty nasty frostbite! We had a great time though. THe girls beat the boys 2-1 in battle of the sexes. It was great!
Last night I got in an argument with my roommate...I mean seriously people. She doesn't pay the frick attention. Half the time she doesn't know I'm here or that I've left. Then she has like 50 ppl over when I'm trying to sleep. It stinks because the other two girls in the apt are friends with her too and they all have the same group of friends. THere is a party for one of our roommates birthday's tonight and I am going to leave in a bit to choose a cozy corner of Starbucks (hopefully) to sit in. This way I can get ahead on some work and also just relax. I'll be able to do a little blog surfing and check out what's good and not good. Just kidding, most of the blogs I read are pretty sweet. But still... I wish I could just sit and watch a movie. For once in peace. I tried to watch Hairspray today while I was making my Christmas Cards to send out... don't you know they decide to finally arrive home from Church at 3 In the middle of the movie and make noise the whole time.... Then my roommate tries to be nice after last night and I was about to hit's all fake. Seriously. It's getting really annoying. I have a feeling there might be a HUGE fight breaking out soon...not to mention its really hard to do school work in a place that has so much stinkin tension.
Anyways enough complaining. I have gotten a lot of work done in the past two days. This frees up more time to work on my two huge papers I have due during finals week. Also it frees up time to finish the work I have for this upcoming week and time to see the Italian movie I have to see before next Friday for our final paper....Finally I'll be done Italian 3!!! I hope to get a head start on these things and have them done before I leave on the 15th. That's finals!!! Just projects and such!!!
OH IT SNOWED LAST NIGHT!!!! And I took my Christmas Card Pictures in it!!! It was great!
Until Snowier days!
Last night I got in an argument with my roommate...I mean seriously people. She doesn't pay the frick attention. Half the time she doesn't know I'm here or that I've left. Then she has like 50 ppl over when I'm trying to sleep. It stinks because the other two girls in the apt are friends with her too and they all have the same group of friends. THere is a party for one of our roommates birthday's tonight and I am going to leave in a bit to choose a cozy corner of Starbucks (hopefully) to sit in. This way I can get ahead on some work and also just relax. I'll be able to do a little blog surfing and check out what's good and not good. Just kidding, most of the blogs I read are pretty sweet. But still... I wish I could just sit and watch a movie. For once in peace. I tried to watch Hairspray today while I was making my Christmas Cards to send out... don't you know they decide to finally arrive home from Church at 3 In the middle of the movie and make noise the whole time.... Then my roommate tries to be nice after last night and I was about to hit's all fake. Seriously. It's getting really annoying. I have a feeling there might be a HUGE fight breaking out soon...not to mention its really hard to do school work in a place that has so much stinkin tension.
Anyways enough complaining. I have gotten a lot of work done in the past two days. This frees up more time to work on my two huge papers I have due during finals week. Also it frees up time to finish the work I have for this upcoming week and time to see the Italian movie I have to see before next Friday for our final paper....Finally I'll be done Italian 3!!! I hope to get a head start on these things and have them done before I leave on the 15th. That's finals!!! Just projects and such!!!
OH IT SNOWED LAST NIGHT!!!! And I took my Christmas Card Pictures in it!!! It was great!
Until Snowier days!
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