Monday, December 03, 2007

Purity comes in many forms....snow is one of them

Ah snow is beautiful. It coats everything white and some how everything seems brand new. It sparkles and it shines.
It's beautiful!
Today it snowed...while the weather itself was horrible, wind, sleet, etc., The snow was beautiful. It felt so pure. Probably because its the first snow I've seen all year...except in CO this summer.

It was GREAT!!!!

I feel like Christmas. I feel like Disney World. I really really really want to go to Dinsey World this Christmas break. I might go too! For something like 3 days in Disney World! I LOVE DISNEY WORLD!!! It will be my birthday present... SO I'm either going in Jan or May...before or after my birthday.

Disney is like my fave place in the world. That and Ireland and Italy. THree fave places. But DISNEY is the top. One day I will work there making people's dreams come true. I love making people's dreams come true! Seriously! SERIOUSLY!!!! Seeing smiles on peoples faces just awww man its AWESOME!!!

You gotta try it sometime...just smile and say hi to people. It works!

Until DISNEY!!!!

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