Wednesday, December 05, 2007

A Snow White Kiss

So earlier in this season...well the fall season, maybe late summer season..I wrote about how every girl wants to be kissed in the rain. Or at least I do...I like rain! And it's really romantic and cute. However today it is snowing.... a light but nice coating snow.
I decided that every girl should want what I will call a Snow White Kiss...not a "I got poisoned by an apple and asleep Prince come rescue me!" and by Prince, I mean the Handsome Prince...not the singer.
Anyway..the Snow What Kiss would happen in the winter (duh) when the snow is falling gently. It should be unexpected. Like when making snow angels or laughing after slipping. It should be special and sweet. If it happens in a snow won't be romantic. It must be when the snow is falling gently.
That is my romantic thought for the day.

Some extra thoughts: If I am paying money to go to class in the winter...I want coat hooks on the wall....It is very awkward to sit in class with a heavy coat on. Also, putting it on the back of the chair, the floor, etc makes it dirty. Seriously....coat hooks.

I have work but I don't feel like doing it. I think I have all the time in the world but really I don't. I should get started on more work, but seriously...its just not workin for me. Homework stinks. I'm against it. But alas...I am going to college.

However! I got a real job. I am a production assistant at the public broadcasting station. Granted it pasy a little over min wage...but my boss is pushing to get us more money. The university only allows him to pay so much. He doesn't like it. Upon my completion of my internship with them is how i got it and I am so very excited for it!!!

Well I better go study Italian or write a paper on blogs or finish my internship paper...something productive.

Until warm fires (in fireplaces of course)

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