Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tomorrow... we dance

I'm going to preface this by saying that the Lunar Eclipse tonight was the most beautiful thing I have seen in a long time. The sky was perfectly clear for it too!

Tomorrow we dance for a cure.
We dance for Hope
For Love
For Life.

THON is a big thing here. Actually it is the THING here. It's the largest student run philantropy in the world.

I am Proud to be a part of it.

Tonight after we learned the line dance and had our final morale meeting before THON, I realized something.
Grades..don't matter
GPA....doesn't matter
Where I go when I'm out of school...Doesn't matter
NONE of it matters.

THON is the most important thing I will ever do here at Penn State.

I can work on shows until the cows come home. Spend days and nights in the basement of a creepy auditorium building sets and props..It won't make a difference.

THON makes a difference. The hours I spend shopping for a dancer, making kids mail, going to meetings and events. Those countless days in the Cold holding cans on the side of the road, in front of stores, asking people for money. That is what matters.
Making a DIFFERENCE in the LIFE of a CHILD....matters.

Last year I stood for 46 hrs. No sleeping or sitting. I did it For The Kids. For The Families. For The Four Diamonds. I did it because for 46 hrs I could absorb the pain of a child going through chemo. I could dance with that Child, hold that child, smile and laugh with that child and their fears...for however long they were at THON were gone.

This year I am not only doing THON FOR THE KIDS, but I am doing THON FOR THE DANCERS. I am not complaining that my feet hurt or that I am tired. I get to sit, sleep, shower. I am pepping. Smiling. Dancing. Being Crazy. TO help someone else feel what I felt when the total was raised last year and 5.2 Million dollars was raised FOR THE KIDS.

"This is what it means when we say WE ARE PENN STATE." Joe Paterno.

THON, is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing I will ever college.

See what I love.

So we dance!

Until post THON.

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