I made a lot of wishes when I decided to come to Disney. I wished for a good job, a community, a community of Christians, happiness, and love. I never wished for wealth or for sad miserable days.
I am happy to report that I have not gotten the things I did not wish for.
I am even happier to report that I have gotten a lot of wishes. Which is why I always cry whenever I watch the Wishes Fireworks Display at the Magic Kingdom. It means a little more to me than most people. I have a wonderful job in the Magic Kingdom. I get to meet people from around the world and spread Pixie Dust and make dreams come true. I have recently been invited to help with some special projects! Which is good for me because I want to get into management and such down here.
I have been meeting and working my way into a community of Christians through the Campus Crusade WDW team. Special thanks to Kevin and friends for helping me find a good church that works with my work schedule.
I am making new friends and forming my own community.
I am happy beyond my wildest dreams, with the exception of being super far away from my family and some of my most important friends.
And finally, I am able to say that I have found a relationship with someone who could easily be my best friend. How David and I went 11 years living side by side to each other and never meeting is somewhat amazing. We are from the same hometown, he went to High School with my cousin, and lived 5 min down the road. Yet, we never met until Oct 2009 and through a friend of my Dad's. Shocking, I know. David is a creative, like me. He has the most amazing job as a cook and LOVES food and being creative. He loves the outdoors and just relaxing. We have done so many things together like cook dinner, rock climbing, hiking, and sharing in the lives of each other. I don't want to jinx anything. David is more than I could ever ask for and for the first time he sees me for exactly who I am. It is a brand new concept to me. We hit it off right away and I never had to be anything but myself. David sought me out, asking me to dinner and a movie, something no other guy has ever done for me. If something is wrong he can sense it even in a text message. He finds a way to make it better. We both agree that this is weird, how it all happened. But I think there is a reason for this and even if our relationship doesn't make it to a bigger stage we know that we have found an amazing friend in each other.
I had to share this with you because I had to share it with someone. David knows because I am extremely scared at how natural life feels with him. It is possible that you could spend your whole life a few miles from a person and never connect with them until you are both thousands of miles away from home? Is it possible that this connection could be something more valuable than a simple friendship? The Lord works in mysterious ways. In all honesty, I know that God's hand is on this and I'm not even sure how I know. It's like I can feel it or something.
So here's to a Happily Ever After.... or at least a Once Upon A Dream.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
That dream I was chasing...
Well I'm here trying to find it. It's hard. I have a LOT to learn. It's hard because I am living in a part of town where it's mostly vacationers. That's not bad, except it makes it hard to find a group of people to hang out with. I have recently started to walk around my apartment complex and hang out in the club room just to meet people.
Anyways, I got Part Time with Disney. I am working on Full Time and a more important role like management or entertainment or something! I would love to work the shows or in broadcast production here at the parks. It would be awesome to work on a movie or tv show but I don't think that life is for me. However, if the opportunity arrives I won't knock it until I try it.
Alright, I'm out for now. I'm gonna go find a good movie or reread the Twilight series. Who knows.
Anyways, I got Part Time with Disney. I am working on Full Time and a more important role like management or entertainment or something! I would love to work the shows or in broadcast production here at the parks. It would be awesome to work on a movie or tv show but I don't think that life is for me. However, if the opportunity arrives I won't knock it until I try it.
Alright, I'm out for now. I'm gonna go find a good movie or reread the Twilight series. Who knows.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Chasing Dreams
So I am working on chasing a dream and let me tell you, it's not easy.
The first half of the summer I spent sending out resumes to companies and after not hearing back from just about all of them, I guess I got discouraged. The only company that seemed to do anything with me was Disney.
I finally got notification that I am now considered seasonal at WDW. I am really excited about this. I even went and found a roommate and a possible apartment. I want to move down there so I can attend the leadership sessions and everything that they have. I really want to go somewhere with them because I love the Company. I had a great experience with it. I also love doing things for other people and this is the PERFECT way to do something that I love!
My dad and I got into a screaming match tonight because he doesn't think I am trying to find a job. And while I am not trying very hard, I am still trying. But I am not him. I don't want to be a workaholic and not spend time with my family or the people that I love. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my dad, but he just pushes the wrong buttons. I know he loves me and wants to succeed and wants me to live comfortably. I just want to do all of that on my terms and my time. I know I will have to pay for insurance and medicines and all that, but I can do it. I'll find a way to do it. That's just the kind of person I am. I just can't do what I want to do living with my parents, working in a diner, or even living in PA. I mean really, I would have to either go to Cali to pursue camera work or NYC (as much as I love that place I could never live there) to find something. I don't know. I just need to be where my creative soul can flourish. I love being creative but I feel so restricted here. I need more. As much as I LOVE this place and I hate to leave it (hence my hesitation to follow my dream), I know I have to do it. It's really really really scary. Not to mention really really really hard. I get emotional thinking about it. But I'm growing up and my family will always be here.
Do here's to chasing dreams. It's going to be rough, but I'll do it! I need to do it and most importantly, I WANT to do it.
The first half of the summer I spent sending out resumes to companies and after not hearing back from just about all of them, I guess I got discouraged. The only company that seemed to do anything with me was Disney.
I finally got notification that I am now considered seasonal at WDW. I am really excited about this. I even went and found a roommate and a possible apartment. I want to move down there so I can attend the leadership sessions and everything that they have. I really want to go somewhere with them because I love the Company. I had a great experience with it. I also love doing things for other people and this is the PERFECT way to do something that I love!
My dad and I got into a screaming match tonight because he doesn't think I am trying to find a job. And while I am not trying very hard, I am still trying. But I am not him. I don't want to be a workaholic and not spend time with my family or the people that I love. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my dad, but he just pushes the wrong buttons. I know he loves me and wants to succeed and wants me to live comfortably. I just want to do all of that on my terms and my time. I know I will have to pay for insurance and medicines and all that, but I can do it. I'll find a way to do it. That's just the kind of person I am. I just can't do what I want to do living with my parents, working in a diner, or even living in PA. I mean really, I would have to either go to Cali to pursue camera work or NYC (as much as I love that place I could never live there) to find something. I don't know. I just need to be where my creative soul can flourish. I love being creative but I feel so restricted here. I need more. As much as I LOVE this place and I hate to leave it (hence my hesitation to follow my dream), I know I have to do it. It's really really really scary. Not to mention really really really hard. I get emotional thinking about it. But I'm growing up and my family will always be here.
Do here's to chasing dreams. It's going to be rough, but I'll do it! I need to do it and most importantly, I WANT to do it.
Monday, June 29, 2009
View From the Stage
So this past Friday I saw Spring Awakening from the stage seats. It was good, but it was flat. My apologies for having to say this, cast if you are reading this sorry, but it was really flat but it could have been the fact that I was on stage. Even though I enjoyed the unique view and interaction of the cast with the members of the stage audience, I got more from the show in my third tear Balcony seats on Wednesday then I did when I saw it on stage. I was really excited because I thought some of the high energy numbers would totally rock from the on stage but it just didn't feel that way.
ENOUGH! With the negatives. Onto the unique perspective. The cast did an amazing job watching each other for cues as well as making eye contact with the stage audience. It was allllll personal now. Our seats just happened to be the ones against the wall the scale a few times in the show. That made for an interesting few scenes. Hanschen scaled it and so did Melchior. It was fun though. I think the thing that I am most appreciative of with my stage seats was the music and the voices. The strings in this show are so beautiful and often used as undertones while the heavier guitars and drums are played over. However, we were sitting right in front of the strings and it was the most beautiful sound I have heard in a long time. The haunting sounds of the boys singing background in 'Touch Me' was beautiful and sent chills down my spine as they were singing in my ear. And the story, while many dispute that it is old and everyone goes through these things this is not different, it is amazingly beautiful and awakening. I think it's a timeless tale that needs to be told and needs to be seen by adults today. *I wrote all of this in my 15 page research paper for my final theatre credits for my minor.*
So there are my thoughts. Send your questions and I'll answer them. I will leave you with some pics from the cast that were so kind to sign our playbills, answer our questions, and take pictures with us post show. BTW Spring Awakening Tour cast you win for the most cast members coming out after a show. I don't think in all the Broadway Stage Doors I have stood at, there has been a turn out like yours. You guys rock and were fantastic! I appreciate all the hard work you all have done and great job to Jake as Melchior, I know you have been going through tons of rehearsals but you were great.
Thanks all!
Friday, June 26, 2009
"And all shall know the wonder..of purple summer."
Upon a recent and amazing trip into Philly to see Spring Awakening the Musical with two fabulous ladies the question arose: Why end the show with Song of Purple Summer?" Now We are talking to people who have seen the show 3-4 times. This was my second time and tonight on stage will be my third. However, I think Wednesday night was the first time I actually understood why Sater and Shiek end the show with Song of Purple Summer. Part of it has to do with Ilse's monologue before the song and part of it has to do with the quote that follows by Steven Sater.
"Then, perhaps there is something in the nature of song itself that opens the door to story—that admits us to the heart of the singer—as if every song tells of a sort of unacknowledged "I want." For what we sing is what is unspoken, what is hidden. The "real story."" ~Steven Sater TCG article found here http://www.tcg.org/publications/at/julyaugust07/spring.cfm
Ilse's Monologue: Listen to what's in the heart of a child. A song so big in one so small. Soon You will hear where beauty lies. You'll hear and you'll recall. The sadness and doubt of the loss, the grief will belong to some play from the past. As the child leads the way to a dream of belief. A time will hope through the land. (not sure on the last line)
You can hear it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyLCfHqWGOY
A summer's day a mother sings
a song of purple summer
through the heart of everything
and heaven waits
so close it seams
to show her child the wonders
of a world beyond her dreams
The earth will wave with corn
the days so white so warm
and mares will neigh
with stallions that they mate
foals they've born
And all shall know the wonder
of purple summer
Why end with this song?
I think this song has the hint of what the Lion King was going for with Circle of Life. Song of Purple Summer is a song about the course of life and hope for a better future. We are always told that children see things very differently than adults. That having a Child's heart and seeing with a Child's eyes is the only way to view the world for what it really is. It is beautiful and mystifying. We have just witness a lot happen to characters that are still considered children in their world. They are barely 14 years old. We have just watched they be engulfed by the world around them and defy the world around them.
This song speaks about how things change and the hope they things will change for the good or for the better. It is the pefect song to give us closure after we hear the haunting song of Melchior, Wendla, and Moritz telling us that remembering those we have lost will help up to go on.
That's all I got for now. I'll post more when I decide to get more philosophical about it!
Until Thoughtful Days,
"Then, perhaps there is something in the nature of song itself that opens the door to story—that admits us to the heart of the singer—as if every song tells of a sort of unacknowledged "I want." For what we sing is what is unspoken, what is hidden. The "real story."" ~Steven Sater TCG article found here http://www.tcg.org/publications/at/julyaugust07/spring.cfm
Ilse's Monologue: Listen to what's in the heart of a child. A song so big in one so small. Soon You will hear where beauty lies. You'll hear and you'll recall. The sadness and doubt of the loss, the grief will belong to some play from the past. As the child leads the way to a dream of belief. A time will hope through the land. (not sure on the last line)
You can hear it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyLCfHqWGOY
A summer's day a mother sings
a song of purple summer
through the heart of everything
and heaven waits
so close it seams
to show her child the wonders
of a world beyond her dreams
The earth will wave with corn
the days so white so warm
and mares will neigh
with stallions that they mate
foals they've born
And all shall know the wonder
of purple summer
Why end with this song?
I think this song has the hint of what the Lion King was going for with Circle of Life. Song of Purple Summer is a song about the course of life and hope for a better future. We are always told that children see things very differently than adults. That having a Child's heart and seeing with a Child's eyes is the only way to view the world for what it really is. It is beautiful and mystifying. We have just witness a lot happen to characters that are still considered children in their world. They are barely 14 years old. We have just watched they be engulfed by the world around them and defy the world around them.
This song speaks about how things change and the hope they things will change for the good or for the better. It is the pefect song to give us closure after we hear the haunting song of Melchior, Wendla, and Moritz telling us that remembering those we have lost will help up to go on.
That's all I got for now. I'll post more when I decide to get more philosophical about it!
Until Thoughtful Days,
Monday, June 15, 2009
Lines, Vines, and Trying Times
Tomorrow is a HUGE day for me! Well only huge because I have so much going on!
Tomorrow, I will be waking up early to head out and purchase a copy of the NEW JONAS BROTHERS CD LINES VINES AND TRYING TIMES!!! The guys are growing up and their music is becoming more versatile and awesome! One of my favorite songs on the new album is the song that appeared in the credits of Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian called Fly With Me. It has one of my favorite set of lyrics that go like this:
We'll chase the stars to lose our shadow
Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine
So won't you fly with me
You can check out that music video right here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un-KTpvCPXo&feature=channel_page
Post Jonas cd buying craziness, I am going to pick up a few summer reading books for PLEASURE! FINALLY I CAN READ FOR PLEASURE!!! First on the list, The Jane Austen Book Club *the movie was AWESOME* and second on the list is whatever the cutest guy at the book store recommends to me. haha
Then I have to have a HUGE conversation with my dad. A HUGE scary conversation about growing *gulp* up. But this is a good growing up. A relocating growing up. I put together a budget and I have been sending out resumes like crazy and getting no response. So I have decided that if I do not have a job by the end of August I want to move to Orlando to work for The Walt Disney World Resort full time and work my way into a position that I can love. I had the time of my life down at Disney and I feel like I can grow so much there because I am passionate about making people's dreams come true. Be aware that I will have to start at the bottom making a mere $7-9 an hour but I will be getting benefits and will probs pick up another job. But not only am I talking to him about relocating, I'm talking to him about relocating and investing in a house. Because he slightly mentioned that he might want to relocate to Florida if he can't find a job here as well. He saw some nice jobs in Florida he would like. So I'm nervous, but I am confident and I have my list of topics. Wish me luck!
Hopefully I will be able to meet up with friend for coffee and enjoy the rest of the day. Then wednesday it's relaxing time before an awesome night at the Phillies! Life is Beautiful.
Oh! I have three blogs*crazy I know* but on my main Wordpress blog I have added a widget that if you click on it and watch the 1 minute video, you can support the charity To Write Love On Her Arms. This is something very near and dear to my heart for a number of reasons so I hope that you guys can go over and check it out. Make sure to click next and to leave a comment for me letting me know you stopped by! http://thekeenanator.wordpress.com
Until Jonas Day!!!
Tomorrow, I will be waking up early to head out and purchase a copy of the NEW JONAS BROTHERS CD LINES VINES AND TRYING TIMES!!! The guys are growing up and their music is becoming more versatile and awesome! One of my favorite songs on the new album is the song that appeared in the credits of Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian called Fly With Me. It has one of my favorite set of lyrics that go like this:
We'll chase the stars to lose our shadow
Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine
So won't you fly with me
You can check out that music video right here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un-KTpvCPXo&feature=channel_page
Post Jonas cd buying craziness, I am going to pick up a few summer reading books for PLEASURE! FINALLY I CAN READ FOR PLEASURE!!! First on the list, The Jane Austen Book Club *the movie was AWESOME* and second on the list is whatever the cutest guy at the book store recommends to me. haha
Then I have to have a HUGE conversation with my dad. A HUGE scary conversation about growing *gulp* up. But this is a good growing up. A relocating growing up. I put together a budget and I have been sending out resumes like crazy and getting no response. So I have decided that if I do not have a job by the end of August I want to move to Orlando to work for The Walt Disney World Resort full time and work my way into a position that I can love. I had the time of my life down at Disney and I feel like I can grow so much there because I am passionate about making people's dreams come true. Be aware that I will have to start at the bottom making a mere $7-9 an hour but I will be getting benefits and will probs pick up another job. But not only am I talking to him about relocating, I'm talking to him about relocating and investing in a house. Because he slightly mentioned that he might want to relocate to Florida if he can't find a job here as well. He saw some nice jobs in Florida he would like. So I'm nervous, but I am confident and I have my list of topics. Wish me luck!
Hopefully I will be able to meet up with friend for coffee and enjoy the rest of the day. Then wednesday it's relaxing time before an awesome night at the Phillies! Life is Beautiful.
Oh! I have three blogs*crazy I know* but on my main Wordpress blog I have added a widget that if you click on it and watch the 1 minute video, you can support the charity To Write Love On Her Arms. This is something very near and dear to my heart for a number of reasons so I hope that you guys can go over and check it out. Make sure to click next and to leave a comment for me letting me know you stopped by! http://thekeenanator.wordpress.com
Until Jonas Day!!!
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Random Ramblings
I'm going to post something real quick because I have a lot on my mind:
1. He's Just Not That Into You
When the book came out and my cousin was reading it, I read a bit of it. I really, really hate that book. I think it's horrible. The only way you learn about relationships and whether or not a guy is into you is by actually doing. Some people are lucky with relationships, others not so much. But you can't learn about relationships by a self help book. I hesitate to say all books because I think some novels can show us the way gals and guys should act towards each other. But again, the only way you find out what works for you is by learning....each person is different. We all find love in different ways.
The movie was like the story of my life. I could relate to a lot of the characters. Whether it was being a friend or a certain relationship or knowing someone who is obsessive over whether or not a guy calls her or not I have witnessed. I think it was a decent movie. My fave relationship was the Affleck/ Aniston relationship because it was cute and that's the kind of guy who is right for me...so I think. But yeah probs give it a B.
2. My Best Friend's Girl
~The movie with Dane Cook, Kate Hudson and that guy from American Pie
I thought this movie was pretty good. However, the ending SUCKED. Seriously? I was laughing because I could not for the life of me believe that they were serious about the ending. I dunno, like movies where people find themselves in going through a series of events. That is real life. Not fairytales. Yes, some people don't change, in fact, most people probably don't change. But the thing is People are affected by situations, relationships, events and life in general. Change or "growth" as my friend calls it, happens.
3. On The Way Down by Ryan Cabrera
I know that I am a little late on this boat, but I realized that this song was about Ryan's being "saved". He had said in an interview that in one of his darkest times he found God and then he wrote a song about it. Pretty sweet. I'm always down for musicians that write songs about God. Here I thought it was about something else. Alas, I am a huge fan of Ryan and I am happy to have made this discovery. It really makes me put more perspective into his music. I have all but his latest CD and I love just about all of his songs! so..that was my discovery of the night! yay!
That's all! Please feel free to discuss any of your opinions about these things with me! Thanks!
1. He's Just Not That Into You
When the book came out and my cousin was reading it, I read a bit of it. I really, really hate that book. I think it's horrible. The only way you learn about relationships and whether or not a guy is into you is by actually doing. Some people are lucky with relationships, others not so much. But you can't learn about relationships by a self help book. I hesitate to say all books because I think some novels can show us the way gals and guys should act towards each other. But again, the only way you find out what works for you is by learning....each person is different. We all find love in different ways.
The movie was like the story of my life. I could relate to a lot of the characters. Whether it was being a friend or a certain relationship or knowing someone who is obsessive over whether or not a guy calls her or not I have witnessed. I think it was a decent movie. My fave relationship was the Affleck/ Aniston relationship because it was cute and that's the kind of guy who is right for me...so I think. But yeah probs give it a B.
2. My Best Friend's Girl
~The movie with Dane Cook, Kate Hudson and that guy from American Pie
I thought this movie was pretty good. However, the ending SUCKED. Seriously? I was laughing because I could not for the life of me believe that they were serious about the ending. I dunno, like movies where people find themselves in going through a series of events. That is real life. Not fairytales. Yes, some people don't change, in fact, most people probably don't change. But the thing is People are affected by situations, relationships, events and life in general. Change or "growth" as my friend calls it, happens.
3. On The Way Down by Ryan Cabrera
I know that I am a little late on this boat, but I realized that this song was about Ryan's being "saved". He had said in an interview that in one of his darkest times he found God and then he wrote a song about it. Pretty sweet. I'm always down for musicians that write songs about God. Here I thought it was about something else. Alas, I am a huge fan of Ryan and I am happy to have made this discovery. It really makes me put more perspective into his music. I have all but his latest CD and I love just about all of his songs! so..that was my discovery of the night! yay!
That's all! Please feel free to discuss any of your opinions about these things with me! Thanks!
Monday, June 01, 2009
Slow Summer Days
So far this summer has been slow and I have been feeling lazy. I'm not sure how I feel about this or what to do about it. I LOVE reading, but I feel like if I sit down to read a book for a few hours I get fat and lazy. I want to finish writing my story, but again the whole sitting around for a few hours makes me feel fat and lazy. I am trying to find a job but I mean, it's hard right now, everywhere.
So a Plan:
I may start taking day trips to different places. Coffee shops, Philly, random fairs and festivals, Delaware, Maryland, Anywhere really. It's either that or find a temporary summer job, but those are really hard to find too. I was thinking about taking bartending lessons, but I'm not sure how I feel about that either. I just want to get out.
I am uneasy about doing things alone. I am a firm believer in having people around you all the time. However, I really don't have any friends at home. At least this summer. It's stinky. I guess this is growing up. I don't really like it. I'm actually jealous of my little sister who is graduating high school who still gets to see her friends everyday and make plans and everything.
Oh well, this is just growing up.
Off to read. I'll post a review of the book when I'm done
So a Plan:
I may start taking day trips to different places. Coffee shops, Philly, random fairs and festivals, Delaware, Maryland, Anywhere really. It's either that or find a temporary summer job, but those are really hard to find too. I was thinking about taking bartending lessons, but I'm not sure how I feel about that either. I just want to get out.
I am uneasy about doing things alone. I am a firm believer in having people around you all the time. However, I really don't have any friends at home. At least this summer. It's stinky. I guess this is growing up. I don't really like it. I'm actually jealous of my little sister who is graduating high school who still gets to see her friends everyday and make plans and everything.
Oh well, this is just growing up.
Off to read. I'll post a review of the book when I'm done
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Making Plans
In the hustle and bustle of going from my sister's prom to my graduation and coming home to get my life in order, I forgot about plans.
Now that I am finally settled down, with some cleaning left to do, I am ready to make plans for the future. However, I was reading today and this quote fluttered across the page:
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper and not to harm you. Plans for hope and a future" Jeremiah 29:11
It was then that I realized that I need to not make plans. I need to prepare and trust that the Lord's plans for me are greater than anything that I can imagine. I have a general idea of where I am being led but I can tell you that I am very scared. I am excited that the Lord is pulling on certain strings but I am super scared.
I love trust. Trusting the Lord. It doesn't mean that you have to be brave every second. It simply means that you are able to be brave long enough to know that you are doing the right thing. Trust is an important value. If you can't Trust someone, what kind of value does that put on your relationship with them.
I learned a lot about trust when I was in Vail, Colorado with Campus Crusade for Christ. It was during one specific moment did I finally know why God had placed me halfway across the country from home and into the high mountains. I had issues with trust and men. I had been hurt by too many. Also, I was very hurt by a few men of God, or those who called themselves such. So I found myself unable to trust men, all men, with the exception of my dad and the Lord above. While on Project, I met Ben. Ben has been such an important person in my walk with Christ and my life. Ben was a member of my small group on project. We had shared a lot with our small groups and so Ben knew that my asthma and out-of-shapeness would be of an issue with me. Also, I have a very small fear of new things, though I was excited to try them, I was petrified at the same time.
One Saturday we participated in The Amazing Race: Vail style. This included swimming, biking, and hiking. We had to answer questions as well. It was very hard, but my team Ben and Jeremy's *like the Ice Cream Ben and Jerry's haha* pulled me through. Ben and my friend Terrin were a big part of our finishing. Ben hiked all the way up a ski slope with me in tow while our team ran ahead to answer the question.
The next day, our small group with caving *I can't spell spalunking?* This was an awesome adventure and Ben was there once again to help me! After making our way through the cave, reaching the perfect place to turn off our headlamps and singing some worship *which sounded beautiful with the acoustics*, we turned to go back. Since I was taking it slow, Ben and my leader Joanna stayed behind to help me out. There was this one part that would have been horrible is you slipped and fell in the gap between the rocks. Ben went over and promised to help me over. But I sort of had this trust issue with men and promises. Even after everything Ben had done for me in the days before, I could not trust him enough to risk my life/health. To make a really long story short, it took about 10 minutes, lots of tears, Jo yelling at me, lots of prayers, Ben's begging me to trust him, and God's Amazing Grace to get me past that one point. From that point on, it was smooth sailing and we weren't in any rush. Ben and Jo climbed some scary looking ropes that we found in the cave and then we finally made our way out. Ben, with the help of Joanna and our gracious God, helped me regain my trust in men.
Recently Ben and I started talking again (as in we lost touch and got back in touch). So if you are reading this Ben, I still talk about that day all the time. You are very important to me. I have also been led to make some travel plans this summer and I would love to go see Ben and just catch up. A vacation either alone or with one other person. I don't know where that vacation will be or when it will be, I just know that it needs to happen in order for me to figure out my life. I would love to visit my friends from Vail in a road trip across the country or go across the ocean to visit friends in Europe.
So the point of all this: Trust! I am trusting the Lord to lead me to where I am supposed to be. I am trusting that the Resumes I send out fall into the right hands and that job I have is the Job in which I will most grow both mentally and spiritually. I am simply trusting.
Now that I am finally settled down, with some cleaning left to do, I am ready to make plans for the future. However, I was reading today and this quote fluttered across the page:
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper and not to harm you. Plans for hope and a future" Jeremiah 29:11
It was then that I realized that I need to not make plans. I need to prepare and trust that the Lord's plans for me are greater than anything that I can imagine. I have a general idea of where I am being led but I can tell you that I am very scared. I am excited that the Lord is pulling on certain strings but I am super scared.
I love trust. Trusting the Lord. It doesn't mean that you have to be brave every second. It simply means that you are able to be brave long enough to know that you are doing the right thing. Trust is an important value. If you can't Trust someone, what kind of value does that put on your relationship with them.
I learned a lot about trust when I was in Vail, Colorado with Campus Crusade for Christ. It was during one specific moment did I finally know why God had placed me halfway across the country from home and into the high mountains. I had issues with trust and men. I had been hurt by too many. Also, I was very hurt by a few men of God, or those who called themselves such. So I found myself unable to trust men, all men, with the exception of my dad and the Lord above. While on Project, I met Ben. Ben has been such an important person in my walk with Christ and my life. Ben was a member of my small group on project. We had shared a lot with our small groups and so Ben knew that my asthma and out-of-shapeness would be of an issue with me. Also, I have a very small fear of new things, though I was excited to try them, I was petrified at the same time.
One Saturday we participated in The Amazing Race: Vail style. This included swimming, biking, and hiking. We had to answer questions as well. It was very hard, but my team Ben and Jeremy's *like the Ice Cream Ben and Jerry's haha* pulled me through. Ben and my friend Terrin were a big part of our finishing. Ben hiked all the way up a ski slope with me in tow while our team ran ahead to answer the question.
The next day, our small group with caving *I can't spell spalunking?* This was an awesome adventure and Ben was there once again to help me! After making our way through the cave, reaching the perfect place to turn off our headlamps and singing some worship *which sounded beautiful with the acoustics*, we turned to go back. Since I was taking it slow, Ben and my leader Joanna stayed behind to help me out. There was this one part that would have been horrible is you slipped and fell in the gap between the rocks. Ben went over and promised to help me over. But I sort of had this trust issue with men and promises. Even after everything Ben had done for me in the days before, I could not trust him enough to risk my life/health. To make a really long story short, it took about 10 minutes, lots of tears, Jo yelling at me, lots of prayers, Ben's begging me to trust him, and God's Amazing Grace to get me past that one point. From that point on, it was smooth sailing and we weren't in any rush. Ben and Jo climbed some scary looking ropes that we found in the cave and then we finally made our way out. Ben, with the help of Joanna and our gracious God, helped me regain my trust in men.
Recently Ben and I started talking again (as in we lost touch and got back in touch). So if you are reading this Ben, I still talk about that day all the time. You are very important to me. I have also been led to make some travel plans this summer and I would love to go see Ben and just catch up. A vacation either alone or with one other person. I don't know where that vacation will be or when it will be, I just know that it needs to happen in order for me to figure out my life. I would love to visit my friends from Vail in a road trip across the country or go across the ocean to visit friends in Europe.
So the point of all this: Trust! I am trusting the Lord to lead me to where I am supposed to be. I am trusting that the Resumes I send out fall into the right hands and that job I have is the Job in which I will most grow both mentally and spiritually. I am simply trusting.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I Vote GLEE, Best Show!
So I just watched GLEE with about half of America. I am simply at a loss for words. GLEE was AMAZING! Of course FOX will make us wait until September to see this show. They are some smart cookies those people at FOX. Since the ratings drop with 24 this past season, FOX needed something to stir up its audiences. Why not combine Musical Theatre and TV? But wait! We will premiere the show at the end of the Spring TV season and use it as a kick off to SWEEPS in the fall! They really are some very smart cookies! They also want YOU to tell YOUR friends to check out the first episode of GLEE all summer long on FOX.com.
So why did I like GLEE? Here are a few reasons:
GLEE puts everything I could never have into a show. My school never had a show choir, however, that was the one thing I’ve always wanted to be a part of. Because I never had experience in a show choir I was too chicken to join one in College, even though I know most of the people in it *Shout out to those SINGING LIONS!*, I still couldn’t do it. I think it’s the one thing I regret. I would love to go back to my high school now and start one. I would need some help though, but I know I’d be able to find it. I was never really a jock and I never really fit in anywhere. I can relate a lot of the characters of Rachel and Mr. Schuester. I feel like an outsider a lot. However, I find absolute joy and I am most happy when I am preforming. GLEE has many definitions, but it mostly means joy or happiness. So this show is perfect for that.
It relates at a wide audience. This is not a show that is going to bring in Women between the ages of 18-49, which is the demographic most sitcoms seem to be going towards these days. This is a show that is going to draw teenagers, college kids, and adults together. This is a show that is going to bring together not only the theatre lovers but people who love to watch a good sitcom.
SHOW TUNES! OK so maybe there aren’t going to be too many show tunes. But the fact that there are musical theatre artists in the show and scheduled to guest star on the show, I am extremely PUMPED! Finally, everyone will be able to get a taste of what I love about performing arts! Show tunes are goofy, but that doesn’t mean the people who sing them are. Well, I consider myself goofy, but if you look at the people in the performing arts lifestyle, most of them are doing it because they are passionate about it. Some are doing it because it’s all they have ever known, and that’s ok too. But the majority of performers perform because its what makes them happy, it is their passion. When was the last time you did something that you were extremely passionate about? I’m serious. If you are passionate about math and you love accounting…do it! Don’t just settle for the first thing that comes your way and makes you miserable. It’s a lot like a relationship. Hey! I think GLEE is going somewhere with this…
But I won’t spoil the show for everyone. I will simply suggest that you head on over to FOX.com/GLEE and watch the first episode and decide for yourself.
Meanwhile, the rest of us will be pulling our hair out in anticipation for the fall season of GLEE!
So why did I like GLEE? Here are a few reasons:
GLEE puts everything I could never have into a show. My school never had a show choir, however, that was the one thing I’ve always wanted to be a part of. Because I never had experience in a show choir I was too chicken to join one in College, even though I know most of the people in it *Shout out to those SINGING LIONS!*, I still couldn’t do it. I think it’s the one thing I regret. I would love to go back to my high school now and start one. I would need some help though, but I know I’d be able to find it. I was never really a jock and I never really fit in anywhere. I can relate a lot of the characters of Rachel and Mr. Schuester. I feel like an outsider a lot. However, I find absolute joy and I am most happy when I am preforming. GLEE has many definitions, but it mostly means joy or happiness. So this show is perfect for that.
It relates at a wide audience. This is not a show that is going to bring in Women between the ages of 18-49, which is the demographic most sitcoms seem to be going towards these days. This is a show that is going to draw teenagers, college kids, and adults together. This is a show that is going to bring together not only the theatre lovers but people who love to watch a good sitcom.
SHOW TUNES! OK so maybe there aren’t going to be too many show tunes. But the fact that there are musical theatre artists in the show and scheduled to guest star on the show, I am extremely PUMPED! Finally, everyone will be able to get a taste of what I love about performing arts! Show tunes are goofy, but that doesn’t mean the people who sing them are. Well, I consider myself goofy, but if you look at the people in the performing arts lifestyle, most of them are doing it because they are passionate about it. Some are doing it because it’s all they have ever known, and that’s ok too. But the majority of performers perform because its what makes them happy, it is their passion. When was the last time you did something that you were extremely passionate about? I’m serious. If you are passionate about math and you love accounting…do it! Don’t just settle for the first thing that comes your way and makes you miserable. It’s a lot like a relationship. Hey! I think GLEE is going somewhere with this…
But I won’t spoil the show for everyone. I will simply suggest that you head on over to FOX.com/GLEE and watch the first episode and decide for yourself.
Meanwhile, the rest of us will be pulling our hair out in anticipation for the fall season of GLEE!
Lea Michele,
Matthew Morrison,
Musical Theatre,
Monday, May 18, 2009
"Believe that Dreams come true everyday...because they do."
~One Tree Hill Season 6 Finale Ending.
Of course I bawled my eyes out....because that is the statement that I live by. Dreams Come True Everyday...because they do. Not just in Disney but everywhere....everyday. I'm still working for my dreams to come true...one of them is to get married some day. Which leads to the rest of this post...
I also just finished watching My Fake Fiance..... I should not do this to myself. Tears once more. yay! I get to watch all my friends get married or engaged and I'm still single. It's ok that I'm single because I'd rather be single than be dating the wrong person. But sometimes I just get tired of waiting. I mean who exactly do I go with to these weddings? It would feel weird to go alone. Maybe I should hire a wedding date...like in the movie The Wedding Date. Maybe we will fall in love? haha. Only in the movies.
All of this talk about finding love and everything just puts me in the pits sometimes. I mean when I finally find myself content with the single life, love appears all around me.
My brother and his girlfriend are happily in love. My best friend and my other friend are happily in love.
I thought my parents hated each other. But on sunday on a travel from one grad party to another they were laughing like they were best friends, something I haven't seen them do in a really long time. I just sort of knew that they were still in love. Like that song Lucky.
I guess it would be ok if I wasn't hurt so much this year. If I wasn't sick of being lied to by men who should know better. I'm 22, just graduated from college, and I am the Grace to every Will out there. I just want one guy to be nice, know what he wants in a relationship, and treat me with respect. Sometimes I get tired of being Grace. Don't get me wrong. I love all the Wills in my life. They are amazing men and I wouldn't ask any of them to change for the world, but it's hard sometimes.
So this is what I do to myself. I spend my days working out and watching everyone around me fall in love and I wait. I am waiting very patiently and if that makes me a loser that is fine. I don't find parties satisfying, I'd rather stay in with a good book and hot cocoa. I love picnics and the finer, smaller things in life. So I'll sit here and wait until some guy comes along who finds the smaller things in life amazing. Who enjoys watching old Disney movies and laughing at nothing. Who will go on walks with me around the neighborhood and talk. Because even though I've had two relationships with jerks, I've found that the times we were most happy was when we were enjoying the small things in life.
Why settle for less? After all, men will never be men if we settle for jerks.
Sorry men. I love you and all...but your majority make you look horrible. Yes, women have their bad sides too, but from a woman's perspective, men are the worst.
Of course I bawled my eyes out....because that is the statement that I live by. Dreams Come True Everyday...because they do. Not just in Disney but everywhere....everyday. I'm still working for my dreams to come true...one of them is to get married some day. Which leads to the rest of this post...
I also just finished watching My Fake Fiance..... I should not do this to myself. Tears once more. yay! I get to watch all my friends get married or engaged and I'm still single. It's ok that I'm single because I'd rather be single than be dating the wrong person. But sometimes I just get tired of waiting. I mean who exactly do I go with to these weddings? It would feel weird to go alone. Maybe I should hire a wedding date...like in the movie The Wedding Date. Maybe we will fall in love? haha. Only in the movies.
All of this talk about finding love and everything just puts me in the pits sometimes. I mean when I finally find myself content with the single life, love appears all around me.
My brother and his girlfriend are happily in love. My best friend and my other friend are happily in love.
I thought my parents hated each other. But on sunday on a travel from one grad party to another they were laughing like they were best friends, something I haven't seen them do in a really long time. I just sort of knew that they were still in love. Like that song Lucky.
I guess it would be ok if I wasn't hurt so much this year. If I wasn't sick of being lied to by men who should know better. I'm 22, just graduated from college, and I am the Grace to every Will out there. I just want one guy to be nice, know what he wants in a relationship, and treat me with respect. Sometimes I get tired of being Grace. Don't get me wrong. I love all the Wills in my life. They are amazing men and I wouldn't ask any of them to change for the world, but it's hard sometimes.
So this is what I do to myself. I spend my days working out and watching everyone around me fall in love and I wait. I am waiting very patiently and if that makes me a loser that is fine. I don't find parties satisfying, I'd rather stay in with a good book and hot cocoa. I love picnics and the finer, smaller things in life. So I'll sit here and wait until some guy comes along who finds the smaller things in life amazing. Who enjoys watching old Disney movies and laughing at nothing. Who will go on walks with me around the neighborhood and talk. Because even though I've had two relationships with jerks, I've found that the times we were most happy was when we were enjoying the small things in life.
Why settle for less? After all, men will never be men if we settle for jerks.
Sorry men. I love you and all...but your majority make you look horrible. Yes, women have their bad sides too, but from a woman's perspective, men are the worst.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
The Beauty of Music
So I went to a concert tonight. The Singing Lions, a show choir on campus. I usually go to their concerts because their music inspires me. Their voices are beautiful as well. I love to sing, but I'm not sure I have the guts to ever be a singing lion. They are some of the most amazing people I know.
They did a cabaret tonight and did a great job. The songs were beautiful, breathtaking, and some even brought tears to my eyes.
I haven't been feeling good. This whole not eating right, low blood sugar thing is freaking me out a bit. I'm sure it's going to my head. So tonight I decided to talk to a friend and listen to some random music. I started with Michael Buble, he is simply amazing. His voice is very soothing and he brings about a mellow tone in his slower songs. It was nice.
At the moment I am listening to Rachel's. I am a huge fan of classical music, though I'm not entirely sure that is what Rachel's can be classified as. They are very relaxing music with no words. However, I believe that it's more new wave than it is Classical. None the less it is beautiful and relaxing. It's inspiring as well. It certainly brings a new air into this apartment. A clam, peaceful air. I like it.
Music is surely very beautiful.
They did a cabaret tonight and did a great job. The songs were beautiful, breathtaking, and some even brought tears to my eyes.
I haven't been feeling good. This whole not eating right, low blood sugar thing is freaking me out a bit. I'm sure it's going to my head. So tonight I decided to talk to a friend and listen to some random music. I started with Michael Buble, he is simply amazing. His voice is very soothing and he brings about a mellow tone in his slower songs. It was nice.
At the moment I am listening to Rachel's. I am a huge fan of classical music, though I'm not entirely sure that is what Rachel's can be classified as. They are very relaxing music with no words. However, I believe that it's more new wave than it is Classical. None the less it is beautiful and relaxing. It's inspiring as well. It certainly brings a new air into this apartment. A clam, peaceful air. I like it.
Music is surely very beautiful.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
No Place Like Home
The saying is totally true.
This musing is about my weekend. I think it will be a good one.
After my 8am Tai Chi class, I will run over to meet with my advisor to make sure the class I moved around works out. Then I will stop at Starbucks and grab my usual Grande Caramel Macchiato with Skim Milk and head up to warm my car up. Then it's off to home sweet home. I am very excited.
Reasons to be excited about home:
My family ~ They are amazing and i love them so much! Also, I need to talk business with my parents.
My Puppy ~ He is just the best and cutest dog ever (everyone feels that way about their pooch)
My Friends ~ To my honest, my two best friends from home have to be the best people in the entire world! One is a magician and the other is just, great!
So I'm not sure what the plans for tomorrow are exactly. I hope to go see Mr. Magic's show. I was going to do it in secret but I forgot he has facebook and he found out I was coming home. So he asked me to go. I said maybe. THere's a lot at stake going to that show. Seeing things I don't want to see and the fact that the kid still pulls on my heart. He knows it too. That is a bit frustrating at times.
SATURDAY is going to be great! It's going to be cold but one of my good friends from Disney will be in Philly so I am going to show him around! It promises to be a fun day filled with adventure. Maybe some running up the Art Museum steps?
Sunday the birds play and monday I will leave to come back to school. Hopefully it will be above zero by then.
Home is my run to place. I won't be able to get there very much this semester, I want to get there while I can. I love being at home with people I love. I love the notion of home and everything it stands for and is. I guess that's what you get when you spend a whole semester entirely away from it.
This musing is about my weekend. I think it will be a good one.
After my 8am Tai Chi class, I will run over to meet with my advisor to make sure the class I moved around works out. Then I will stop at Starbucks and grab my usual Grande Caramel Macchiato with Skim Milk and head up to warm my car up. Then it's off to home sweet home. I am very excited.
Reasons to be excited about home:
My family ~ They are amazing and i love them so much! Also, I need to talk business with my parents.
My Puppy ~ He is just the best and cutest dog ever (everyone feels that way about their pooch)
My Friends ~ To my honest, my two best friends from home have to be the best people in the entire world! One is a magician and the other is just, great!
So I'm not sure what the plans for tomorrow are exactly. I hope to go see Mr. Magic's show. I was going to do it in secret but I forgot he has facebook and he found out I was coming home. So he asked me to go. I said maybe. THere's a lot at stake going to that show. Seeing things I don't want to see and the fact that the kid still pulls on my heart. He knows it too. That is a bit frustrating at times.
SATURDAY is going to be great! It's going to be cold but one of my good friends from Disney will be in Philly so I am going to show him around! It promises to be a fun day filled with adventure. Maybe some running up the Art Museum steps?
Sunday the birds play and monday I will leave to come back to school. Hopefully it will be above zero by then.
Home is my run to place. I won't be able to get there very much this semester, I want to get there while I can. I love being at home with people I love. I love the notion of home and everything it stands for and is. I guess that's what you get when you spend a whole semester entirely away from it.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Do You Believe in Magic?
Musings about Magic.
To think that I have spent many days thinking about Magic after working at Studios. During the Christmas Rush in Disney I had to keep reminding myself every morning before work that I was here to make magic and memorable guest experiences. How was that possible to do when you have 50+ screaming guests in your face upset because the theatre hit capacity and you can no longer let anyone else in? You are just doing your job.
It was rare that I had to remind myself to make magic. Magic sort of just comes naturally to me. I love to smile and to laugh. Those are two wonderful forms of magic. Laughing is contagious, I don't care what you say. You could laugh at nothing and get just about a whole entire room laughing with you. It's great! And Smiling....well just try it sometime. You'll understand. We rarely realize that magic is all around us.
Let's take today for example:
It's cold at Penn State. Freezing. The weather man says, "Don't go outside. You will get frostbite." Penn State still goes to school. So we students bundle up and head out to brave the weather. It's BITTER Cold. Just a lovely time to walk around campus from class to class. We endure it because we have to, well most of us endure it. Some people are just lazy. But tonight something beautiful happened. It started to snow. Not the heavy, gusty snow, but the soft, gentle snow that leaves a nice dusting on the ground. To me, that is magic. A cold, miserable day turns out to be a beautiful one in the blink of an eye. Snow is magic to me because it has powers to do a lot. It has the powers to make things sparkle and seem new. It gives us creative abilities (snowmen, snow angels, igloos) and much more. Magic can be found all around us.
When I had a free day or even if I had a hard day at work, I would stop by the Magic Kingdom or Epcot to watch the fireworks at night. Actually, that's a lie. I rarely watched the actual fireworks. Rather, I watched the people around me. The adults and children. People from Florida and people from Across the world. I watched them as they watched in amazement at the display before their eyes. The oohs and ahhs. The wows and That's cool! I loved every second of it. Watching families hug close together, couples hold hands, babies stare at the wonder before their eyes. It was simply amazing. Of course I cried at times. After all, these people weren't just coming to Disney because it is a well known theme park. They were because Disney offers a rare form of magic. Disney takes the guest from reality and places them in a land of fantasy where anything can happen. It's true, anything can happen at Disney. I saw a lot happen. Engagements, weddings, birthdays, regular people getting VIP treatment, surprises and more. I had the honor of making magic myself. Everyday. Not only when I went to work, but even visiting the park as a guest and helping people find their way. They had no idea I worked for Disney (though the two finger point probably gave it away). It's amazing.
My best friend is a magician. He sees things a little bit different than normal people. I think right now, in this moment, I finally understand what he loves most about his job. After all, we could all use a little magic in our lives every now and then. Though making our own...that right there is priceless.
To think that I have spent many days thinking about Magic after working at Studios. During the Christmas Rush in Disney I had to keep reminding myself every morning before work that I was here to make magic and memorable guest experiences. How was that possible to do when you have 50+ screaming guests in your face upset because the theatre hit capacity and you can no longer let anyone else in? You are just doing your job.
It was rare that I had to remind myself to make magic. Magic sort of just comes naturally to me. I love to smile and to laugh. Those are two wonderful forms of magic. Laughing is contagious, I don't care what you say. You could laugh at nothing and get just about a whole entire room laughing with you. It's great! And Smiling....well just try it sometime. You'll understand. We rarely realize that magic is all around us.
Let's take today for example:
It's cold at Penn State. Freezing. The weather man says, "Don't go outside. You will get frostbite." Penn State still goes to school. So we students bundle up and head out to brave the weather. It's BITTER Cold. Just a lovely time to walk around campus from class to class. We endure it because we have to, well most of us endure it. Some people are just lazy. But tonight something beautiful happened. It started to snow. Not the heavy, gusty snow, but the soft, gentle snow that leaves a nice dusting on the ground. To me, that is magic. A cold, miserable day turns out to be a beautiful one in the blink of an eye. Snow is magic to me because it has powers to do a lot. It has the powers to make things sparkle and seem new. It gives us creative abilities (snowmen, snow angels, igloos) and much more. Magic can be found all around us.
When I had a free day or even if I had a hard day at work, I would stop by the Magic Kingdom or Epcot to watch the fireworks at night. Actually, that's a lie. I rarely watched the actual fireworks. Rather, I watched the people around me. The adults and children. People from Florida and people from Across the world. I watched them as they watched in amazement at the display before their eyes. The oohs and ahhs. The wows and That's cool! I loved every second of it. Watching families hug close together, couples hold hands, babies stare at the wonder before their eyes. It was simply amazing. Of course I cried at times. After all, these people weren't just coming to Disney because it is a well known theme park. They were because Disney offers a rare form of magic. Disney takes the guest from reality and places them in a land of fantasy where anything can happen. It's true, anything can happen at Disney. I saw a lot happen. Engagements, weddings, birthdays, regular people getting VIP treatment, surprises and more. I had the honor of making magic myself. Everyday. Not only when I went to work, but even visiting the park as a guest and helping people find their way. They had no idea I worked for Disney (though the two finger point probably gave it away). It's amazing.
My best friend is a magician. He sees things a little bit different than normal people. I think right now, in this moment, I finally understand what he loves most about his job. After all, we could all use a little magic in our lives every now and then. Though making our own...that right there is priceless.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Lets Finish this Thing
Here I am. My last semester of College. I'm sorry I didn't write more about the Disney College Program. I was really very busy down there. It was crazy. Here I am, last semester of college, not sure of what is going to happen after this.
Here goes nothing.
I'll post more when something exciting happens.
Here goes nothing.
I'll post more when something exciting happens.
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