Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Another knife leads to blood

I don't know what I am feeling right now. In one day my world went from being up....to tumbling down.
I feel undervauled, unappreciated and not good enough.

I found out about an hour ago that I will not be directing Jekyll and Hyde this semester but a School of Theatre kid will. What is the purpose of a club from non-Theatre majors......when Theatre majors are chosen to direct our shows? What happened to being a Thespian? I pledge my time and effort to be a part of something. Then I get pushed aside for a school of Theatre person. I'm sorry are we the school of Theatre now?

I am hurt. Jekyll and Hyde is one of my top three favorite shows. This is a show I wanted to direct more than anything. I am so deeply hurt right now. I feel betrayed. I don't know what to think or what to do I just feel numb.

I guess I'll audition but it's not the same.

I have no words.

oh and I found out that I am getting my birthday wish. Oddly enough. I don't care.

One day I will prove everyone wrong. Then you'll be sorry that our 110th anniversary show wasn't as amazing as it could have been.

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