Saturday, January 26, 2008

The End of an Era

So a lot of people in my life think Rent is some messed up musical.....However it affected the lives of millions of people.

Personally, I love RENT. I think the story is timeless and the music is beautiful. I think the meaning behind it, the effort put into it, and journey it takes us on as viewers is precious. It will forever have a special place in my heart.

Here is a video of Anthony Rapp the original Mark talking about the closing of RENT on Broadway June 1st. It's be forewarned that you might cry. It's about 2 minutes or so.

Surely the end of an Era will come....but we all know that the closing of RENT will enable others to preform it. I am so excited to have the chance to see people finally take park in something they love in their community. Surely a new era will begin.

Here's to RENT!


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