Tuesday, March 18, 2008

2 posts in one day! WOW!

OK I just had to post this cause it happened to me.

You know those little tiny boxes that appear after you try to sign up for something online. The verify by typing these letters and numbers in the box below. Some of them are very sensitive with the capital letters and some just don't care. But they always try to trick you.

I can't help but feel like I'm at an eye exam when I see them. I have to squint to see if it's a t or an f. They have all these little dots and white lines and stuff to trick you into putting a wrong letter or number.

BUT WHY? Aren't you varifying your information? Shouldn't this be easy?

Well the answer is no. Nothing is ever easy. Someone, somewhere always has to complicate things.
Thank you person who creates these little verify boxes for making signing up for something that much more difficult.

Ok I just had to let ya'all know my problem with those... Off to buy tools for my theatre class. YAY!

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