Tonight Rehearsal kicked my butt. I gave way too much energy and I had none. But I loved it anyway. Here's a recap of my favorite moments from Rehearsal today and yesterday:
Jekyll/Hyde (Ross) *on his knees*: ...and now I'm turning into Jekyll. (as if giving the cast a play by play)
A scene between Jekyll/Hyde and Utterson:
Utterson proceeds to give his line
Jekyll/Hyde: Not now John I'm trying to turn back into Jekyll, let me pull my hair back.
Leaving as the musical director was coming back in.... and not getting called back to rehearsal!
Accent Coach....enough said. She was the BEST EVER!!! We had so much fun!
Running Murder, Murder until
Ross (Jekyll/Hyde) looking at Liz and freaking her out so much that she cowered behind him.
Bring on the men with the lights ever! Oh and without Chairs.
There are so many reasons why I love going to rehearsal. Despite the fact that they are long, sometimes boring, hard, sweaty, and a killer to the voice after a while, they are great. We have so much fun and Ross is totally a creepy Jekyll. He's nothing short of amazing though.
The next two weeks are what I like to call Hell Weeks. Most people have one and that is Tech Week. I have two because I have TAPS week. Theatre Arts and Production Studio week is when we build our sets. Since most of the cast is not in THespians they really don't know much about this nor do they care what kind of work goes into it (grrr makes me angry). However, me and a bunch of other people will spend hours each day until Friday building, painting, and moving set pieces. on Friday we will build/paint/move until 4pm at which point we will then load everything from TAPS into trucks and move it into Schwab. We will make the set stationary, finish paitning and touch ups...hang lights, finish props and what not. WE will spend our ENTIRE WEEKEND IN SCHWAB!!! Sleeping there, eating there, whatever...we do it. On Sunday we focus for the second time and then we are set to go for the first Dress also known as Tech 1. We have 3 Tech's and an INvited Dress, also known as a Gypsy Run Through. then it's show time. Right after our final performance, we say Hi to our guests, change and then Strike the set. Then we have ceremonies and finally.... we have a party.
It's going to be a blast, but it also means, no sleep, no life, and hard work. But I don't think I would miss it for the world, nor would I spend this time with any other people.
I'll write when I can and post some pictures I took today at rehearsal later.
Its well past midnight and i have an 8am class across campus tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Until then
Monday, March 24, 2008
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